Search Results for: cio

Risk Aversion and Job Security

[reposted by request from original] Most federal civilians have really good job protections: while they are subject to furlough and sequestration, taking actual punitive actions against a general schedule civilian employee is pretty uncommon. In particular, things like the Employee Rights & Appeals process, and Merit Systems Protection Board exist to protect employees, and theyRead… Read more »

Army defends its mobile device security plan, Cyber education key to security and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Army defends its mobile device security plan – “The Department of Defense’s inspector general has reposted and updated a report critical of the Army’s shortcomings in handling cybersecurity for commercial mobile devices (CMD), with some changes to correct for what itRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Better government IT starts with smart procurement

There are many challenges to using the competitive procurement process to purchase IT solutions for government. The dilemma is more than just large and cumbersome RFP package production, long software demos and lengthy review and contracting. Government has reduced funding for investments and can no longer afford to get it wrong – especially for coreRead… Read more »

Group Decision Tip: Agreements stand until changed

In principle, the same formality is required to change an agreement as to make an agreement. For instance, if an agreement is made in a group meeting and properly documented, no member of the group should assume that the agreement has changed or act in ways contrary to the agreement until the agreement is changedRead… Read more »

Big Data and Analytics Conference- Intelligence, Defense and Homeland Security

Over the last few years, big data has been a hot topic in government. No longer just a buzzword, it has emerged as a real way to increase efficiencies, reduce waste, increase productivity and make smarter, data driven decisions. Organizations are already collecting large amount of data so the conversation has moved from “when” toRead… Read more »

Final Preparations For The 4 April 2013 Government Big Data Forum

By Bob Gourley The 4 April 2013 Government Big Data Forum is shaping up to be an absolutely incredible event, especially if you are a government professional seeking ways to make sense over data to better serve your organization’s mission. The event will also be great for the IT community that serves and supports theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The Old Dogs Have the Best New Tricks: The Best Innovators Aren’t the Youngest

I may be shooting myself in the foot here by spreading this around, but word has it that the best innovators aren’t Millennials. Many companies have been trying to create a younger work force, gently (or not so gently) encouraging older employees to retire and leave. The belief is that innovation comes from the newbies,Read… Read more »

White House sends out furlough notices to almost 500 staffers – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Frequent DorobekINSIDER guest and federal rockstar Linda Cureton is retiring on Wednesday. It is a sad day for government. But before she sails off we wanted to pick her brain on how she had such a successful career? And get her insights on how you can chart a similar journey? ClickRead… Read more »

SilverTail Systems Provides New Tools To ID and Respond To Inbound Web Attacks

By Bob Gourley The Silver Tail software platform provides a well engineered means of monitoring cyber threat activity- including threat activity hidden in normal Internet traffic. By performing behavior analysis to rapidly ID malicious behavior enterprises are given far more warning of mischief, potential information theft, fraud, espionage or other unauthorized/undesired/potentially illegal activities. The biggestRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The 1 Thing You Can Do To Make Sequestration Work FOR You

For many agencies April signaled the start of harsh budget cuts across the board including cuts to pay and benefits. For many state and local level agencies, those harsh cuts began last year. Regardless of when the cuts began, many employees find themselves in an uncomfortable situation with more time on their hands than theyRead… Read more »