Search Results for: research

Let’s talk Budget: CBG Round-up, 03.07.2014

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Presidential Innovation Fellows: The Results of Round Two Are in! Alex Howard has a write-up of the results of the second round of Presidential Innovation Fellows, as well as the invitation to apply to participate in the next iteration, when the program will focus on three topics: fueling data innovations, helping veterans attainRead… Read more »

“Why You Should Be Excited About Future Tech”

Why You Should Be Excited About Future Tech By Chuck Brooks Sure, robotics, the Internet of Things, data analytics, and other disruptive trends are intimidating, but they will improve our lives. What will the next decades bring? It’s no exaggeration to say we’re on the cusp of scientific and technological advancements that will change howRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Gov Ponders The Internet Of Things – Plus The 7 Stories You Need To Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: After a rough January, the Thrift Investment Plan’s funds were back in the black for February. In fact, all the retirement funds were up by more than .5%. We get a look at your retirement numbers with the TSP Board’s Kim Weaver. You can find all of our programs online: DorobekINSIDER.comRead… Read more »

TSP Funds Rebound In February – Find Out How Much

After a rough January, the Thrift Investment Plan’s funds were back in the black for February. In fact, all the retirement funds were up by more than .5%. Kim Weaver is the Director of External Affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. The Board runs the TSP. Weaver told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDERRead… Read more »

Money for Moneyball Government

President Obama’s fiscal year 2015 budget proposals actually invest in programs that demonstrate effectiveness, and he invests in generating new knowledge about what works through more evidence and evaluation. While the headlines about the president’s new budget focus on the big numbers, there is a significant back story about what the Office of Management andRead… Read more »

Defeat Writer’s Block the WordPress Way

If you’re a writer, that first blank page can be daunting. The blinking cursor awaits. What do you have to say? Do you really have what it takes to write a whole book? Yet, the same writer, when put in front of a friendly blog interface, will immediately start writing. After all, it’s just aRead… Read more »

Understanding the World Wide Web: A Brief Primer

Even though we all use the World Wide Web every single day for both work and pleasure, most of us would be hard pressed to define exactly what it is, describe much about its history, and/or articulate details of its impact. This primer offers a quick introduction to all those things. Distinguishing the Web fromRead… Read more »

NASCIO Unveils To-Do List For States – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Priority lists are commonplace in government. There are the 25-point implementation plans, the 7-year contracts and the 30-leases. However, creating a priority list of action items to be completed in the next year is rare. But that is exactly what the National Association of State Chief Information Officers have done by releasing their annual listRead… Read more »

4 Essentials for Your Government Portal

Government agencies are quickly transforming to increase efficiencies and productivity as they adopt emerging technologies. With the emergence of web portals, increased consumer adoption of mobile devices, and higher demand for online services, government institutions are tasked to use technology to meet the demands of citizens in new, innovative ways. To meet citizen demands andRead… Read more »