Search Results for: Cloud

Open Sesame – Utah Renovates Open Data Gates

Let me make one thing clear: Utah has been in the open data game for years. But now, with their new open data catalog, they are streamlining the process and making it easier for users to find the right data sets. David Fletcher, Chief Technology Officer at the Utah Department of Technology Services, told meRead… Read more »

Are We Individuals, Or Are We Really The Same?

Everyone has their own quirks and wonderful traits that make them just who they are. It’s part of what makes meeting new people so thrilling and exciting. But at the other end of the spectrum, we’re all human beings. We all must eat, drink, sleep to survive. At the end of the day, we’re reallyRead… Read more »

5 Storytelling Best Practices at the Heart of Humans of New York

Everyone is talking about Humans of New York. It’s a success story worth the airtime. It’s also an inspiration that can help you find the heart in your storytelling and communications. Recently, Brandon Stanton, who runs the popular photography blog, shared a photo of a 13-year-old boy who attends school in one of the mostRead… Read more »

Checking in on Your Pocketbook

Woah, January! If you were watching the stockmarket last month you were in for a wild ride. The stock market was incredibly volatile last month. “Our Chief Investment Officer said in January there were 10 days where there were 100 points swings. It was a roller coaster,” Kim Weaver, Director of External Affairs, Federal Retirement ThriftRead… Read more »

Applied Innovation: Creativity Through Competition

Competition can be thrilling and challenging. Here at GovLoop, we’ve all taken Gallup’s Strengthsfinder assessment, which measures an individual’s greatest professional assets. These can include strengths such as achiever, adaptability, discipline, includer, and many more. Many on our team scored high in the category of competition. Many of us, it seems, enjoy the thrill ofRead… Read more »

Telehealth: Save Lives, Cut Costs & Deliver Better Care

Doctors are using iPads to record information instead of scribbling notes on a paper pad. Nurses are browsing through electronic medical records instead of file drawers. Hospitals are adopting the cloud to store patient data so that it’s accessible to care providers anytime, anywhere. The entire field of health care has been completely transformed byRead… Read more »

Why You Need an Information Governance Strategy

Organizations worldwide are feeling the pressure of the information explosion. Data is doubling every two years and is estimated to reach an astonishing 40 zettabytes by 2022. What’s more, the growing variety of data has introduced tremendous complexity for public managers seeking to streamline their organizations’ ability to access and use information. Finally, the PresidentialRead… Read more »

Form Your XaaS Strategy

The following blog post is an excerpt from a recent GovLoop resource: Your Guide to Using Everything-as-a-Service. In the guide, we explore how agencies can maximize the benefits of cloud technology by creating a holistic everything-as-a-service (XaaS) strategy. Few doubt the advantages, and even the inevitably, of the transition of government IT services to the cloud.Read… Read more »

Introducing the Big Data Playbook for Government

To learn more about how your agency can excel with big data, be sure to check out our guide: The Big Data Playbook for Government.  On August 31, 1854, the London district of Soho was struck with a cholera outbreak, and by September 10, the neighborhood had reported over 500 deaths. Curious as to howRead… Read more »