Search Results for: cio

Open source cloud offers another route to better security, Fearmongers miss the point on mobile security and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are top cyber news and stories of the day. White paper: NIST conducts proof of concept on trusted geolocation in the cloud – A group of NIST scientists working with Intel, VMWare and RSA Archer have created of proof of concept for trusted geolocation in the cloud. This allows managers toRead… Read more »

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Top 5: Topics for Small-Talk at the Office

Ahhhh…small talk. Some people just hate the concept in itself. But in reality, you need to be good at small talk in order to get things done. It helps you build rapport before meetings, between colleagues, and across functions which in the end contributes to the main goal (getting projects done in government) Personally whenRead… Read more »

Data rationalizing vs Data Consolidation

By ChrisScott Consolidating data centers has always made sense. Having the data securely tucked away into well-managed data centers has got to improve performance and even cyber security. It will also require fewer of those really smart, well-trained (expensive) system administrators to keep things straight. And if done right, it should save on energy costsRead… Read more »

Organizations using web crawlers, DARPA will no longer support CFT, VMware’s Horizon Mirage 4.0

By Marcus Williams More Cyber News we are tracking: Several organizations around the country have been collecting and selling PII, DARPA will no longer support CFT, VMware’s Horizon Mirage 4.0, and more Who’s keeping track of Who? After reading this article it made me reconsider how I shop or pay bills online. Several organizations aroundRead… Read more »

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Certification and Competition, Don’t Move the Goal Posts

Office of Federal Procurement Policy Administrator Joe Jordan recently got some much needed feedback on the debate about insourcing and outsourcing, and how those decision are being made. However, the insourcing versus outsourcing issue is not just external to the government. A recent trend seems to be developing where Contracting Officers are inserting VetBiz verificationRead… Read more »

Open Data Day 2013 in Vancouver

Better let than never, I’m going to do a few posts this week recapping a number of ideas and thoughts from Open Data Day 2013. As is most appropriate, I’m going to start the week with a recap of Vancouver – the Open Data Day event I attended and helped organize along with my friendRead… Read more »

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How Wall Street Millionaires Really Think About Ethics

As a retired federal Contracting Officer (CO), professor and ethics trainer/consultant I was sort of “taken aback” yesterday when playing a round of golf down here in Florida where I live in “the Villages” Florida. I was paired up with two seemingly wealthy gents from a place called “Safe Harbor” in Florida. They seemed (appearancesRead… Read more »

Sequestration & Social Media

Well, sequestration is in our midst and there isn’t much that we can do about it. By now I’m sure you all have heard the many consequences sequestration will likely bring: Furloughs, longer lines at the airport, prison lockdowns higher risks of terrorism, women and children taken off of WIC… canceled white house tours! Well,Read… Read more »

Wading through the sequestration back and forth – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Sequestration is a monumental loss of government productivity and further erodes what the government is supposed to be doing,” said UMD Public Policy Dean, Don Kettl. Do you agree? The DorobekINSIDER Sequestration reader: Day 6 — There are talks The headlines: There are talks going on. Last night, President Obama metRead… Read more »

GitHub hires government focused employee, Companies want Lawsuit Shield to share Cyber Threat Data and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. GitHub hires first government-focused employee – GitHub has recently announced the hiring of their first government focused employee. GitHub offers social coding, which opens the development process. “former White House Presidential Innovation Fellow Ben Balter will join its team to focusRead… Read more »

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