Search Results for: CIO Conversations

Reflections on Online Dialogue about Guns

As the national debate on gun policy continues, we wanted to highlight this insightful blog post from NCDD Board member John Backman, who shares a story of how deep, meaningful dialogues can take place when we simply ask questions and share personal stories about issues that matter to us. You can find the original postRead… Read more »

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3 Lessons Learned for Successful Mobile Adoption

Mobile in government continues to be one of the most pertinent topics facing public sector administrators. The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports, “As of December 2012, 87% of American adults have a cell phone, and 45% have a smartphone. As of January 2013, 26% of American adults own an e-book reader, and 31%Read… Read more »

Documentary on Bridging Divisive Politics

We were quite inspired recently to hear the story of a mother who, challenged by her teenager’s accusation of being political intolerant, launched an online platform and documentary project aimed at breaking down political barriers and bridging the deepest divides in our democracy. We know that the vitriol and divisiveness of today’s political discourse isRead… Read more »

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Learning by Immersion on Guns?

When we think of learning by cultural immersion, many of our minds jump to study abroad programs and foreign language courses. But we were struck by Steve Seeche’s recent blog post on his new opportunity to learn about one side of the gun control debate through a different kind of immersion – taking a gunRead… Read more »

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Audio, resources and next steps for our Confab on red-blue dialogue

We had another great NCDD “Confab Call” last week and as always, if you couldn’t join us we welcome you to listen to the audio recording. Our latest Confab featured NCDD members Jacob Hess and Phil Neisser, co-authers of “You’re Not as Crazy as I Thought, But You’re Still Wrong,” leading a discussion on red-blueRead… Read more »

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“Poverty/Wealth in America” is the September Inaugural Issue of the National Dialogue Network

Here’s an important announcement from John Spady of the National Dialogue Network project… Hello friends, I have important results to share with everyone! The National Dialogue Network (NDN) conducted a survey in April 2013. A total of 415 people participated (including both self-selected and random panel responses). Each participant ranked their top five choices fromRead… Read more »

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Systems and symptoms

I am a menshevik. Steph Gray is a bolshevik. It may not end well. Steph wants a revolution, and he wants it by next summer. He does not believe in the false consciousness of the bourgeois revolution and is wary of alliances with objective supporters of the current regime. Despite the immaturity of the proletariat,Read… Read more »

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Let’s vote up our colleagues’ videos in the Looking@Democracy Challenge!

Happy Saturday, everybody! Voting is underway in the Looking@Democracy video contest, and a bunch of NCDD members have submitted videos for consideration — Jeffrey Abelson (Song of a Citizen), Living Room Conversations, the Participatory Budgeting Project, Evelyn Messinger, and Cynthia Farrar’s Purple States project. There are $100,000 in prizes altogether (first prize is $25,000), andRead… Read more »

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Questions about your work in red-blue dialogue

Here’s a thoughtful message and some great questions from Jacob Hess, one of our two featured speakers on next Wednesday’s confab call on red-blue dialogue. See the full description of the confab, and register here if you’d like to join us. We’re excited that 110 people have already signed up! Rush Limbaugh taught me, inRead… Read more »

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Platform As A Service, Giving the IT world D-Business, Know your DAM use cases

By Marcus Williams Today’s cyber news we are tracking: Platform As A Service, Giving the IT world d business, Know your DAM use cases, and more… Platform As A Service Platform As A Service (PaaS) is slowly becoming popular in the IT industry. Organizations are beginning to invest in a quicker solution for their everydayRead… Read more »

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