Search Results for: research

City Applications Open: Enlist the Fellows

Code for America’s City Fellowship applications are officially open and we know the competition to enlist the fellows will be fierce. For those of you who are new to Code for America, here’s a brief summary of the Fellowship: Code for America’s Fellowship is a one year program where developers, designers and researchers are embeddedRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

What’s the Biggest Threat to Your Agency When You Use Your Smartphone or Tablet?

Last week, GovLoop launched its “Agency of the Future: Guide to Mobile Security in Government”, which you can download here. The guide is packed with fascinating insights from a survey of 255 government employees, including a breakdown of which mobile devices employees use, their ability to download apps on those devices and the degree toRead… Read more »

Do government workers need “resilience training” to be able to do their jobs? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: By now we have all seen the advertisements for Google Glass, Fitbitand the Galaxy Gear. These futuristic technologies are making a name for themselves in the marketplace. You can track your calories, make calls and search google all from tech attached to your wrist or glasses. But can these techs makeRead… Read more »

Being mindful of personal social media use in the APS

Senator Abetz, the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service, has written a fantastic blog post commenting on the need for Australian Public Servants to be mindful of what they say (and how they say it) on social media. The post, Public Servants should exercise care with social media, is in the Senator’sRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Creating a Culture of Helping

How can leaders inspire employees to help their colleagues? The leader of the design firm IDEO, Tim Brown, set out to create a help-friendly organization in order to spur greater creativity. Collaboration is key to effective organizations. But how can leaders encourage helping behaviors among employees? A recent Harvard Business Review article by Teresa Amabile,Read… Read more »

Mentoring to Replace Yourself

If something happened to you tomorrow, do you have a successor leader ready to take the helm? In too many organizations, especially in a workplace where individuals are tasked with performing multiple roles, the process to identify, mentor and cultivate a replacement for you can be a haphazard approach to succession planning. Not only isRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The Game is On – FHWA is Seeking Your Input on Smart Cars

The USDOT and several other transportation agencies around the nation have been paying close attention to the emergence of the smart car. Over the last few years, they have funded research in this technology and studied how to integrate it into the existing system. And now, they are reaching out in several ways to shareRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Digital Leadership: Opportunities for Cities, States, and Regions

Summary: What does it mean for a city (or state or region) to be a digital leader? This post provides ideas to stimulate thinking and discussion by promoting a focus that is broader than the technologies themselves, specific applications like consumer marketing, high-tech start-ups, and the digital sector. Advocating a more strategic and holistic approach,Read… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE #34 Learn How to Deal with People who are Different Then You

Difficult people. Everyone seems to know one. You can probably think of your own nemesis right now. Truth be told, in all my research, it turns out there are only about a dozen really obnoxious, rude difficult people in the whole world. That’s right only about 12. Now . . . word has it theyRead… Read more »