Search Results for: research


More than 90% of people don’t know about CTRL- or CMD- F… — Neil Williams (@neillyneil) December 2, 2013 My first computer came with a big solid manual. In fact it came with two, one for MS-DOS, the operating system, and one for BASIC. The first – and for a long time only –Read… Read more »

Community Blog

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More than 90% of people don’t know about CTRL- or CMD- F… — Neil Williams (@neillyneil) December 2, 2013 My first computer came with a big solid manual. In fact it came with two, one for MS-DOS, the operating system, and one for BASIC. The first – and for a long time only – softwareRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The Expertise Strikes Back

Tom Nichols writes of the death of expertise in a recent, well-received blog. When he first tweeted a reference to the topic, as he was writing it, I immediately thought he was referring to Cognitive Resource Theory (CRT) – the finding that expertise is essential in high-stress decision environments, but less so in low-stress decisionRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Everything you need to know about the budget deal – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 2014 could be a big year in government management, procurement and implementation of the cloud. Why? We get insights from IBM’s Dan Chenok. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights at But up front: GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER budget reader: Everything you need to know about theRead… Read more »

Selling To Government; The Past Predicts The Future

Before you pick up the phone, or send a proposal to a government agency, know your industry so you know how to write the proposal and what is expected of you by the government agency. This cannot be stressed enough. For example, before you send a proposal or call a government agency and suggest theyRead… Read more »

One Stop Shop for State Mobile Apps – Take the Tour

Apps are everywhere these days. You have California’s Locator app, Florida’s State Parks Outdoor Guide, or West Virginia’s Suspicious Activity Reporting app. These are amazing developments but until NASCIO developed the State App Catalogue there was no central list of state mobile apps. And considering states provide essentially the same services, being able to collaborateRead… Read more »

Understanding Government Bid Protests

Bidding on a government contract is usually a long undertaking for most vendors – one that costs several hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in time in resources spent researching, evaluating prospects, writing, and finally submitting a proposal. It’s no wonder, therefore, why receiving news of rejection can be heavily disappointing and can often leadRead… Read more »

Contractors Take a Financial Hit in 2013 – 2 Ways to Move Forward

85% of government contractors saw either flat or declining budgets in 2013. That staggering statistic is from a new study from Lohfeld Consulting. Sequestration, budget cuts and uncertainty were all contributors to the decline. Lohfeld Consulting’s CEO told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that 2013 was a rough year, but one where if youRead… Read more »