Search Results for: Cloud

The Millennial Mix-Tape

I am a runner. Every morning at 6 a.m. my alarm goes off and I am out the door, iPod in hand to hit the running path. As my eyes adjust to the early morning light, my iPod creates the soundtrack of my morning. And if we’re being totally honest, right now my morning runningRead… Read more »

“Myth Busters” for Millennials

“Ask again later.” Not my favorite answer from a Magic 8 Ball. And possibly worse than any of the more neutral responses because it’s almost blatantly rejecting my question. But, when I do get a “Yes – definitely,” I am ecstatic with the fortune-telling toy. Who doesn’t enjoy getting a straightforward answer, like advice fromRead… Read more »

CIOs: Rock Stars of Public Innovation

Paul McCartney, Tommy Lee, Kurt Cobain, Mick Jagger. Regardless of our reasons, most of us idolize different rock stars. What if you could work with your favorite rock star? Better yet, what if your favorite rock star was the reason behind your industry’s success? Well, in the public innovation field, Chief Information Officers are theRead… Read more »

Creating an Effective IT Framework: Is More Collaboration Needed?

The following is an excerpt from the GovLoop Guide, The Joint Information Environment: The IT Framework for the Future. You can access the full report here, in which we describe the JIE and impact it is making at the Department of Defense.  Although the Joint Information Environment (JIE) is not officially a program of record, theRead… Read more »

GIS: Your Platform for a Resilient Community

In our latest Industry Perspective, we explore what it means to be a resilient community, and how you can lead the charge to build a foundation for stronger communities. Our report will define what it means to be a resilient community; feature case studies of five communities who have adopted resiliency strategies; and provide insightsRead… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: GIS

Twitter, Technology, and Customizable Education

Visual. Audio. Kinesthetic. What type of learner are you? We each have different wiring in our brains, so why assume that we all learn the same way? With traditional learning strategies, a generalized model tends to be applied to large groups of people, but this doesn’t always yield homogenous results in terms of comprehending theRead… Read more »

CDM – Driving Convergence in the Federal Security Landscape

In 2003, Xceedium’s CSO Ken Ammon testified to Congress on the core issues of cybersecurity. Over a decade ago, he described the connected world in which we live, where a singular event can affect the rest of a system. Ken asked the House Reform Committee to consider two recommendations: spending needs that were more pragmaticRead… Read more »

Using Geography to Fight Food Insecurity

It is a critical time for global food systems. Strained by population growth and the unpredictable threats of climate change, the food security of billions worldwide is under threat. To meet this challenge, Esri, the global leader in GIS technology, is unleashing the power of geography to strengthen food resilience for a more sustainable future.Read… Read more »

Celebrating Veterans Day: 3 Foundations Making a Difference For Wounded Warriors

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. ~ Joseph Campbell In honor of Veterans Day we here on the DorobekINSIDER wanted to take a moment and highlight three organizations that are really going above and beyond to help our wounded warriors. The Warrior Foundation serves those thatRead… Read more »

Fostering The Current Generation’s Leadership Abilities

So often we talk about reaching out the next generation of government workers. While that is a critical step in order to prosper, the government also needs to spend some time developing its current leaders. One way to help them succeed? The Partnership for Public Service’s Excellence in Government Fellows Program – a staple ofRead… Read more »