Search Results for: research

Extreme Makeover: Data Mapping Edition

It is clear that mapping is transforming government agencies. Now it’s time to ask the question: How are maps themselves being changed by the agencies using them? I came across this interesting take on this issue from the New York Times Bits Blog: The Business of Technology. Check out the article here. My favorite part?Read… Read more »

Great “behind-the-scenes” progress in 2013, now let’s get creative!

Typically at this time of year I tend to write a few thoughts surrounding my hopes and expectations for digital engagement in the public sector sphere here in Canada. I must admit that I am quite optimistic about the next twelve months, given the amount of behind-the-scenes progress that has been made to date inRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Leading with Personal Values

In most organizations, today’s complex world demands that leaders, and those they lead, adopt a different model. As Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Computer, put it, “The only thing that works is management by values. Find people who are competent and really bright, but more importantly, people who care exactly about the same thingsRead… Read more »

Free Online Youth Engagement Seminar from CIRCLE

We invite NCDD members to start the New Year off by taking the opportunity to contribute to the conversation on youth engagement. The good people at the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) are hosting a free 5-week online seminar that will invite young people, youth workers, the broader civicRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Looking Forward and Looking Back – New Year News from The Center for the Business Government

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog. The IBM Center for The Business of Government had the privilege of publishing a wide variety of reports about key public sector challenges in 2013, from some of the Nation’s leading thinkers on government management. As 2014Read… Read more »

How To Start Earning A Federal Side Income in 2014

“Discover easy ways to monetize the $5 revolution!” Are you struggling to make any money online? Instead of shooting for the stars right away, why not shoot for five dollars? “That doesn’t sound like much money,” you say. And that’s true. But a few dollars here and there can really add up, especially if you’reRead… Read more »

Announcing the 2014 Incubator Class

As the civic tech ecosystem continues to gain momentum, Code for America launches its second Incubator class. This year saw numerous applicants to our Startup Accelerator program and more than 80 governments present at our annual Summit. Our Accelerator and Incubator alumni companies continue to see interest from governments. After the success of last year’sRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Budget Deal Passes – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The 2013 Best Places to Work rankings of federal workplace satisfaction paint a dismal picture of agency leadership, management and employee opportunities.This year’s governmentwide ranking was an all-time low since the Best Places to Work rankings began in 2003. We cull out some lessons learned. The SEVEN stories that impact yourRead… Read more »

My 8 Favorite Moments of 2013

Personally, I had an awesome 2013 on a number of levels. The GovLoop community has been growing (100k+ members, 20k+ taken online training), the GovLoop team has been rocking (up to 10, growing to 14 by end of January), and on a personal level it’s been fun to watch my son experience his 1st yearRead… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: Tech

Agriculture, Energy Departments Give Universities Bioenergy Grants

The departments of Energy and Agriculture have issued $8 million in grants to support research projects aimed at producing non-edible feedstock for bioenergy generation. USDA and DOE awarded the money to seven U.S. universities as part of a joint initiative designed to spur production of biofuels and other sustainable bioproducts, USDA said Thursday. “Innovative researchRead… Read more »