Search Results for: cio

New CRM-based Case Management Streamlines INTERPOL Washington Investigations

Microsoft Corp. (Washington, DC) — INTERPOL Washington — the American branch of the International Criminal Police Commission — supports almost 18,000 U.S. law enforcement agencies and 189 member countries seeking assistance in investigations of fugitives, financial fraud, drug violations, terrorism and violent crimes. A new solution built on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Customer Relationship Management)Read… Read more »

Community Blog

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We the People vs the Original One Percent

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal,” but what happens thereafter is subject to circumstance. When it comes to the concept of the “One Percent,” which emerged in the collective consciousness out of the Occupy Movement, perhaps for the words “all men” and “equal” are nuanced terms. In theRead… Read more »

6 Body Language Tips for Interviewing

As we mention frequently, people make snap decisions about you based on first impressions. It’s important that you present a positive total package to a potential employer. One aspect of that is body language. Many of the judgments that interviewers make about you are subconscious – they don’t even realize they are judging you whenRead… Read more »

29 Jan CTOvision Podcast

By RyanKamauff Today’s podcast features Daniel Mintz. Daniel Mintz is the Principal and Founder of ESEM Consulting and former CIO of the Department of Transportation. He is a lifelong technologist and avid Washington Capitals fan. We discussed the following stories: DOD, VA improve eBenefits portal Government Appetite Growing for Twitter User Data 86,800 network printersRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

DISA Vice Director Discusses Future of DoD IT

By RyanKamauff On Jan 24, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Vice Director, Naval RADM David G Simpson, spoke at the AFCEA Central Maryland Luncheon. He discussed the benefits of collocation with NSA and USCYBERCOM at Fort Meade, a look at DoD’s readiness, and focused on the Joint Information Environment, the future of DoD informationRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Top 10 Cloud Impacts in 2013

1. Cloud technologies will converge. The cloud will continue to forge a massive convergence of technologies—similar to the evolution of the cell phone to the smart phone. “The lines between platform as a service (PaaS) and cloud services brokerages will blur into a conceptual operating system for the ‘Web as a platform’—providing tools to allowRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


How Social are Spanish-language Government Facebook Pages?

Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. Introduction With traditional marketing taking a backseat to digital for many companies, the way government communicates with the public is shifting too. Government agencies are taking cues from the private sector and turning to social media to reach the public. In this report, we review in detailRead… Read more »

Managing Your Supervisor

This article was written by Logan Harper, community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Government’s online MPA programs. For more information on public administration degrees follow MPA@UNC on Twitter at @MPAatUNC. — It wouldn’t be called work if it were easy. No matter the work environment, occasional conflict isRead… Read more »

Is Sequestration Back? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: When the President was Inaugurated on Monday, he unveiled a broad agenda for the next four years. But one thing was missing from his inaugural address – civil service reform and management. Tom Fox tells us why management matters.Click here for the full recap. Next year, millennials will make up moreRead… Read more »