Search Results for: research

Infographic: How Important Is Each Federal Agency?

During the shutdown, I shared answers to the question “Why are you essential?” It was terrific qualitative data about the important work conducted by government employees. There were a wide range of answers describing individuals who spent there days connecting people to vital services, building a more inclusive society, protecting us from harm, and providingRead… Read more »

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Put the Give in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost here–a day which for many of us means a carousel of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and pie. Before you sit down to dinner this year, here are five ways you can help others access food and services. 1) Spread the word about SnapFresh SnapFresh is a text-message and mobile web app thatRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Prosecutors Investigate US Navy Contractor – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: There is a major disconnect that exists right now about the use, state and function of the information highway. Many leading internet policy experts simply don’t understand how the internet works on a physical level. They don’t know how the networks connect, worse yet, they don’t seem to care. Check outRead… Read more »

Obama wants to ‘blow up’ tech purchasing – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Why should anyone care where the internet comes from? You log on to your computer daily, hourly, minutely. But do you know where the information is streaming from? Or how it works? Do you even care? Insights on why you should, in part two of our interview with Andrew Blum. ButRead… Read more »

Making Strategic Decisions

Research on decision-making has made advances in recent years, but the research has not been applied to the actual practice of decision-making, observes Swiss professor Phil Rosenzweig in a recent article in the November issue of Harvard Business Review. Dr. Rosenzweig says in his article this is not because executives don’t want to make goodRead… Read more »

Why Can’t the Pentagon Pass an Audit? Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Ever wonder where your Internet comes from or where it goes when it leaves your living room? After a squirrel took a bite out of his home internet cable, Journalist Andrew Blum decided to go on a mission to find where the internet is located. Seriously. His goal was to findRead… Read more »

Robert Hale: Pentagon Budget ‘Planning Gets Replaced by Planning’

Defense Department Comptroller Robert Hale said Thursday he is cautiously optimistic that lawmakers will reach an agreement to limit cuts to defense spending under sequestration, Defense One reported Friday. Hale told an audience at the Defense One Summit in Washington he believes budget uncertainty harms the military’s ability to address national security challenges, according toRead… Read more »

Open Season Mayhem – 4 Must Have Insights from Benefits Expert Walt Francis

With over 200 federal health plans to choose from, it is easy to get bogged down. In fact, when it comes to Open Season, the prevailing notion is to do nothing. Feds stay with the same plan year after year, even if premiums go up and benefits change. That’s why we reached out to WaltRead… Read more »

Join Us: GovLoop and Oracle Survey Explores Best Practices, Challenges and Future Outlook of Cloud Computing

Within your agency, cloud computing is serving an essential role in transforming how your agency delivers services and becomes more efficient. That’s why GovLoop and Oracle have partnered on a new research report exploring how agencies are leveraging cloud technology in their agency. Please take 10 minutes and complete our survey to help us asRead… Read more »

Marc Hébert: Why I’m Coding for America

“People do not come with standardized circumstances,” a librarian shared with me during my research in Applied Anthropology prior to starting the Code for America Fellowship. At that time, I was documenting how Floridians experience the design of an online application process for Medicaid and Food Stamps (now called “SNAP”). The librarian’s statement speaks toRead… Read more »

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