Search Results for: research

Embracing Blamelessness to Improve Government Services

Understanding the root cause of complex system failures can be tricky, and our desire for accountability may sometimes be at odds with learning the root cause. Incorporating blameless postmortems to help identify issues could help agencies provide better services to those who need them.

Driving Interoperability: Healthcare’s Approach

Data sharing is critical in every facet of government, from the intelligence community to social services to infrastructure management. The management and response to the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the significant need for enhanced data sharing capabilities across government organizations to enable faster, more well-informed decision-making.

Guidelines for Joyful Meetings

When was the last time you attended a well-run meeting? Did you feel inspired, productive, connected, focused, and happy that you attended? Now think of meetings you’ve attended that are a waste of everyone’s time. Did you feel distracted, bored, frustrated, and unvalued as time was wasted? Time is one of our most precious resources.Read… Read more »