Search Results for: research

When the World Stopped Listening…

You wouldn’t think that not listening to someone could change the world, but it did. In fact, not paying attention almost destroyed it completely. Yet, in the near future, making personal contact or socializing without sanction would be a capital crime punishable by deletion. Ironically, it would be breaking that law that also saved theRead… Read more »

Twitter for Rookies: Simple Guidance for Getting Started

Summary: Still not certain whether you should take the Twitter plunge? The best way to determine its value is to give it a try. Focusing on using Twitter professionally rather than personally – including staying current with local, national, and global news – this “Twitter for Rookies” post offers simple best practice suggestions for settingRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 14 November 2013

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web Why is the corporate welfare state so flawed – and how could it be made better? – NestaThe aim should not be one-sided welfare, but rather better deals in which both sides win. Groups of firms or sectors should be encouraged to engage with government andRead… Read more »

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Pentagon Looks to DMI-Fixmo Team for Mobile Infrastructure

Digital Management Inc. has partnered with Fixmo Inc. to help the Defense Information Systems Agency manage and secure mobile devices under a $16 million contract. DMI will use Fixmo’s technology to secure DISA’s mobile devices connecting to the Defense Department’s networks as part of the Mobile Device Management and Mobile Application Store programs, Fixmo saidRead… Read more »

Cloud or Cloudy? Government’s Transition to Cloud Offerings

By Lyttleton Shurland, CPIC Analyst The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has required Federal agencies to adopt a “Cloud First” approach to evaluating options for new IT deployments. This was born out of the 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management by Vivek Kundra, who was the US Chief Information OfficerRead… Read more »

It’s Finally Here: The Citizen Engagement Tool Congress Has Been Waiting For

Here on GovLoop we’ve written and shared stories of how GIS has transformed executive level agencies. Yet, GIS is being used in more than just executive agencies. The legislative branch has also caught on to the power of GIS. Tim Petty, Deputy Legislative Director for Senator James Risch (R – Idaho), shared several examples ofRead… Read more »

Pentagon Picks Purdue to Develop Child Care Curriculum

The Defense Department, in partnership with the Agriculture Department’s Institute of Food and Agriculture, has awarded a five-year grant to Purdue University to design a curriculum for child care programs in military bases. Purdue’s Human Development and Family Studies Department will create a curriculum designed to be extensive and based on evidence to support theRead… Read more »

Marketing Isn’t a Bad Word

Reading Alan Pentz‘s recent blog post about the federal government and social media got me thinking about the federal government and marketing, in general. The government tends to shy away of the idea of “marketing” because it equates it with selling a product but marketing is about more than hawking wares. Marketing is also aboutRead… Read more »

A Look at STEM Education: A Cross-Agency Priority Goal

STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math – are career fields in the U.S. jobs market that tripled in recent years. In fact, current projections are that the demand for these skills will outstrip the supply by at least one million jobs. Since the late 1950s, after the Russians launched Sputnik to the surprise ofRead… Read more »

Report: $20B Up for Grabs in Upcoming NIH IT Competition

Both technology manufacturers and resellers will compete under a potential 10-year, $20 billion government-wide information technology contract vehicle run by a National Institutes of Health office, the Washington Post reported Sunday. Marjorie Censer writes that NIH’s Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center intends to award 50 contracts under the Chief Information Officer-Commodities and Solutions programRead… Read more »