Search Results for: cio

Representative Proposes Legislation to Streamline Federal IT Acquisitions

In a move to help increase the pace and effectiveness of federal technology acquisition, Representative Darrell Issa (R-California) is proposing that Chief Information Officers within government agencies be allowed long-sought authority over their agencies’ technology budgets. “At a time we are facing record deficits and our national debt has exceeded [our gross domestic product], itRead… Read more »

Today & Tomorrow Only! Free e-Book of “The Moment of Oh!”

Attention Amazon Kindle users! Don’t miss out on a great opportunity from NCDD organizational member, CivilSay! Today and tomorrow, you can download a free copy of The Moment of OH! by John Blakinger and Greg Ranstrom on to your Kindle e-Book reader. Not a Kindle user? Well, you can still order a copy of theirRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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PNNL joins with UW to form big data institute, Researchers find weakness in Microsoft’s Fix It

By RyanKamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. PNNL joins with UW to form big data institute – The PNNL and the University of Washington are partnering to create the Northwest Institute for Advanced Computing. The institute aims to be a collaboration center for researchers to explore advanced computer systemRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Your money, is it safe from the Debt Ceiling? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Twitter, facebook, instagram, Google+ — all these tools and more have been around for a few years. But many government agencies are still slow to see their value. We’re not saying there aren’t real pockets of innovation. But on the whole government is slow. Why is that? Click here for theRead… Read more »

Let’s Give Them Something To Talk About – Role of Social Media Going Forward? #connectedgov

Twitter, facebook, instagram, googleplus — all these tools and more have been around for a few years. But many government agencies are still slow to see their value. We’re not saying there aren’t real pockets of innovation. But on the whole government is slow. Why is that? The Partnership for Public Service and Booz AllenRead… Read more »

Information: To Share and Protect, Part 1

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok at the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. Among my New Year’s reading list were two December issuances that impact the world of information and privacy in government: the White House’s National Strategy on Information Sharing, and the Federal CIO Council’s Recommendations for Digital PrivacyRead… Read more »

Johnson County Library to host dialogue on Newtown tragedy

This Thursday at 7pm, Johnson County Library in Kansas is hosting A Conversation about Sandy Hook. Louisa Whitfield-Smith, the Civic Engagement Librarian at Johnson County Library, is inviting civic engagement organizations across the nation to get involved in whatever way they see fit — including sending resources, ideas for next steps, and information on deliberation.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

3 Key Leadership Mistakes Government Employees Make That Leave Them Burned Out and Frustrated.

Mistake 1. Thinking that leadership is something you learn to do. Leadership is not something you “do,” it is something you “be.” In other words, leadership is not a series of required actions you take, rather it is the essence of who you are, the impact you have on those around you. You don’t “learn”Read… Read more »

We Need to Understand Chinese Procurement

NCMA’s December 2012 flagship publication, Contract Management, published the article Comparative Best Practices in Public Sector Contracting — How the FAR Excels in the Socioeconomic Perspective. The piece provides a brief breakdown of five major procurement regimes including the the European Union’s Procurement Directives used by the European Union and the U.S.’s Federal Acquisition Regulation.Read… Read more »