Search Results for: cio

Five ways federal IT can increase innovation while cutting costs

Federal IT is in the midst of a huge transformation, driven by initiatives ranging from IT Reform and Federal Data Center Consolidation to CloudFirst, CyberFirst and FutureFirst. In May 2012, President Obama released a memo detailing new directions for Federal IT as part of the Digital Government Strategy. Moving to a 21st-century foundation for federalRead… Read more »

Deja VVVu: Others Claiming Gartner’s Construct for Big Data

By Doug Laney This article originally appeared on the Gartner Blog Network in January 2012 and is reprinted here with permission from Gartner and its author Doug Laney. In the late 1990s, while a META Group analyst (Note: META is now part of Gartner), it was becoming evident that our clients increasingly were encumbered byRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

From NIFI: Some Resources for Deliberating about Violence

The following is a beginning collection of resources from the National Forums Institute news page that may be helpful to those who would like to deliberate about violence, and/or to frame violence-related issues. NIF is known for its careful, well-researched strategies for “naming and framing” issues in a balanced way that represents a variety ofRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Social Media and Extremism: Sideshow or Center Stage?

By AdamElkus On Twitter, Mike Olson of Cloudera asked me and Alex Olesker what we thought about the use of social media in the latest dustup between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. He linked me to an article taking a broader look at the role of social media in terrorism and extremism. The following isRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Government Tech Trends to Watch in 2013

One of the reasons I enjoy this time of year, aside from perfecting Sticky Toffee Pudding recipes (seriously, you should try this one…), is the annual technology prediction discussions for the upcoming year. While I don’t pay attention to every single technology prediction made (usually by companies trying to sell me something) the “Technology ForecastRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


The Path to Value

How to navigate the “Path to Value” without getting derailed by trivialities I frequently use the phrase “Path to Value” to describe the approach organizations need to take in order to ensure they maximize the value they get from their transformational efforts. Large scale modernizations, enterprise architecture efforts, and enterprise projects all have a tendencyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The U.S. Needs a FuturICT Program to Confront the Challenges of 21st Century Government

Over a 100 researchers in the top European universities are launching a ten-year Big Science project to create a new science for the 21st Century: FuturICT. FuturICT is the merger of information and communication technologies (ICT), complexity science, and social science to create “socially-adaptive, self-organized ICT systems.” What does that mean and why should weRead… Read more »

My Infosec Wish for 2013: A Balanced Cyberwarfare Debate

By AdamElkus I can already hear the chuckling. “Cyber warfare? Balanced? And I’d like partisanship in Washington to end, a double date with Mila Kunis and Scarlett Johansson, and some fries with that!” Yes, my desire is utopian, but the fact that I would have to qualify it with a self-deprecating remark suggests the distanceRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

The DOD caught with its Pants down – A Revolution in Risk Assessment needed?

The DOD caught with its Pants down – A Revolution in Risk Assessment needed? It seems to have passed commentators by, but the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently uncovered a major under-reporting of risk at the Department of Defense. (see Figure 1 below).1 The GAO’s recommendations read like a school report: the DOD shouldRead… Read more »