Search Results for: cio

BYOD in Review for 2012 – Managing The Mobile Workforce

Throughout the month of December, GovLoop has been reviewing the year in government technology – everything from BYOD to social media, I’ve been working to highlight some case studies, best practices and try and condense the year down into one post on the most critical topics for 2012, while looking forward to the year 2013.Read… Read more »

5 Emerging Trends of Social Media in the Public Sector

Throughout the month of December, GovLoop has been reviewing the year in government technology – everything from BYOD to social media, I’ve been working to highlight some case studies, best practices and try and condense the year down into one post, while looking forward to the year 2013. Follow along here by viewing GovLoop’s YearRead… Read more »

Joint Information Environment (JIE)– It’s all about the RELATIONSHIPS

By ChrisScott As we go about our daily activities, we interact with each other through a complex web of relationships that we have developed over years of co-existing with friends, family, colleagues, etc. I trust that the shoes I just bought will mostly keep my feet dry as long as I don’t jump in anyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Taking the Next Step: Going From a Grassroots Enterprise 2.0 Community to an Official One

As your grassroots community takes the next step to becoming an official one, what challenges will you face? Way back in 2008, microblogging and enterprise collaboration platform Yammer launched at TechCrunch50. A week later, I became member #1 of the Yammer network at my old firm, a 25,000 person consulting firm with offices all overRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Agencies Need to Get to the Cloud, Faster and Easier

This post was originally published by Anthony Robbins, VP Federal, Brocade, here. You might have heard about Brocade’s recent acquisition of a company called Vyatta. Vyatta is built on the fact that software-based networking is a critical component in network virtualization, and that software networking will actually transform those same networks into innovation platforms. TheRead… Read more »

A Brief Look Back at Cloud Computing in 2012

This year many organizations were looking to transition to cloud computing to find cost savings and new efficiencies. With the launch of FedRAMP and agencies challenged to take a “cloud first” mentality, cloud adoption increased in the public sector. Follow along here by viewing GovLoop’s Year in Review Guide, our related blog series, and podcasts.Read… Read more »

Is Tech Missing a Skilled Workforce? Yes, says Ed. Dept. Senior Procurement Officer

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »

AGIMO restructure offers promise of improved whole-of-government IT efficiency

Yesterday AGIMO announced that the Australian Government Information Management Office was adopting a number of the recommendations of the Williams review. In particular the Williams review identified that AGIMO had moved away from the IT policy and analysis role recommended by the 2008 Gershon review to take on a range of whole-of-government IT implementation functions.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

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Gun Control Petition becomes most popular ever on White House Website — Plus DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Could 2013 be the year of mobility for the federal government? Yes, says the CIO at the Interior Department: Bernie Mazer. Mazer was part of our end of year review of the Top Technology Trends in Government. Also topping Mr. Mazer’s list, big data, cybersecurity and cloud computing. For the fullRead… Read more »

Design For Your Real World

Let’s suppose you went to and selected the third navigation link, Presentations. Pretty cool, eh? Notice you went across two websites? Let’s try that again. Go to Sales Lab Posts and then switch to Through The Browser. It would be real easy to have a reader go between those blogs and never notice. WeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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