Search Results for: cio

Finding New Efficiencies, Cost Savings and Improved Services with Cloud Technology

Today, technology is a critical component to transform and modernize government to truly create a 21st century government. For our year-end report, the GovLoop team set out to explore what technology trends shaped 2012 to help agencies meet organizational goals. The report also includes best practices, case studies, and identifies which trends will shape governmentRead… Read more »

Federal Gift Giving Do’s and Don’ts – Plus Your Weekend Reads

On the DorobekINSIDER this week: Training the Next Generation of Government Contractors— Right now 1/3 of the federal acquisition workforce has under 5 years of experience on the job. But the University of Maryland is trying to ease the knowledge gap by launching a new program to train acquisition experts. We got the inside trackRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: December 07, 2012

Dan Chenok Strategic Sourcing on the rise in agencies, as required by OMB: Promoting information sharing through standards-based acquisition: Two House leaders look to the future of IT in agencies: John Kamensky Do WE Do This Right? The Washington Post reports that China’s new leadership has declared that meetings should be short and to theRead… Read more »

On risk, fearless advice, and loyal implementation

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the issue of risk and how it relates to the idea of fearless advice and loyal implementation. Admittedly, these thoughts aren’t entirely formed yet so bear with me. When it comes to risk, we are our own worst enemy Generally speaking I feel as though civil servants over-inflateRead… Read more »

Redesigning Democracy Summit – Let Your Voice Be Heard!

This post was submitted by NCDD member John Coggin of the Institute for Emerging Issues at NC State University… We find ourselves in uncharted territory in the wake of the 2012 elections and in the face of upcoming challenges, such as improving the economy and addressing the nation’s debt. Continued polarization will lead to devastatingRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Tips for Holiday Magic, not Holiday Stress

Holiday Magic 2012 newsletter Holiday Magic The holidays are magical times…if you can bring all of the puzzle pieces together in time to feel organized and in control OR if you totally give in and let the holiday’s flow – come what may, it won’t bother you. Where does your propensity lie? Do youRead… Read more »

You Can’t Fix the Restaurant Until you Fix the People…

This blog post was originally posted on Author: Mark Leheney The supervisor was in disbelief, then shock, then rage, and finally full-out sobbing as she heard the staff talk openly for the first time about what it was like to work for her. For many years, she had run the place, doing whatever sheRead… Read more »

Sequestration talks escalate – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: What are the key critical issues facing state CIOs? The National Association of State Chief Information Officers have unveiled their survey of state and local government CIO’s. They asked them one simple question – what is your biggest challenge? Click here for the full recap. Your Sequestration update Politico: Fiscal cliffRead… Read more »

The Beneficial Impact of Newspaper Paywalls on Users

There continues to be fierce debate about the cost/benefits of newspaper paywalls, a debate Mathew Ingram has been helping drive with a great deal of depth and with excellent links. It is interesting to watch Ingram take on, and have to rebut, the problematic thinking that seems to so frequently comes out of the ColumbiaRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Federal IT reform hits a snag – Plus the 7 DorobekINSIDER Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The age of austerity is here and it’s here to stay. But one potential way for agencies to save is to use strategic sourcing in its acquisitions. But what is strategic sourcing and could it really work at your agency? We hear from a DoD strategic sourcing expert. We depend onRead… Read more »