Search Results for: research

L-Podcast Episode 004 – Heidi Paek, Co-Chairwoman of the Planning Board for the Town of Ipswich Massachusetts

Welcome to the continuing series of discussions with thought leaders who are bringing new and innovative solutions to the challenges government faces in delivering services to the citizen. +++++++ My guest for this episode is Co-Chairwoman of the Planning Board for the Town of Ipswich Massachusetts, Heidi Paek. Heidi and I discuss a range ofRead… Read more »

The Process Made Easy

The Only Form of Problem-Solving …What would you say if I said there are no secret processes to be had–just the basic process we can apply to every plan we have to make and every problem we have to solve? I hope you would be flabbergasted, but believe me when I say it is true.Read… Read more »

The State of Local Government Procurement

This post was co-authored with Rebecca Williams of the Sunlight Foundation and Code for America’s policy intern Ryan Driscoll. This summer, Code for America, Omidyar Network, and the Sunlight Foundation joined forces to investigate municipal procurement trends, best practices, and potential areas of improvement across the country with the Local Government Procurement Survey. The surveyRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: September 27, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Information week reports that the FDA “issued final guidelines for mobile health apps Monday, outlining the apps that the regulations will affect and the requirements those apps must meet to achieve FDA approval.” Related: how about an implantable health data tracker? The US State Department is now on Instagram. Not even a weekRead… Read more »

Creating Reality

I was sitting in a meeting listening to a social scientist creating a reality with his mouth. He was flashing his eyes, pointing his fingers, threatening doom. I noticed he didn’t have any experimental data or observation, he had a string of slogans and epithets, which having lost their original data and observation didn’t makeRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Shutdown Countdown 7 Days – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 7 days. That’s how long the government has before it runs out of money. Depending on which article you read, the Congress is either preparing a last minute stopgap sending measure to avert the shutdown or the political divide is too great and a shutdown is inevitable. If that is theRead… Read more »

What you need to know about the new Defense Health Agency

by Lloyd McCoy Jr., Senior Analyst We are one week away from the largest reorganization of military health in the Defense Department’s history – the formation of the Defense Health Agency (DHA). The new agency promises to be more than just a rearranging of desk chairs as it will change how the Defense Department handlesRead… Read more »

Engaging Students on Policy with Choicework

We wanted to share a post from our friends at Public Agenda on the usefulness of their Choicework approach for teaching and engaging students in discussion about public policy, even when they are jaded on politics. You can read more about the approach below or find the original post here. Life on campus this fallRead… Read more »