Search Results for: research

What Elements of BBP 2.0 are Important to IT Programs and Why?

By Tom Kuhn, PhD, Fellow As we move further into an unprecedented era of tighter budgets and post war downsizing, it makes sense to implement Better Buying Power 2.0, the directive published by Frank Kendall, Undersecretary for Acquisition at the Department of Defense (DoD), in April 2013. Bottom line – if you are a programRead… Read more »

DARPA Kicks Off Reusable UAV Program

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has launched a new project to develop a reusable unmanned aerial vehicle that would travel to-and-from space and deploy small satellites while in orbit. DARPA also wants XS-1 to fly 10 times in 10 days, achieve speeds of Mach 10 or greater at least once and launch a representativeRead… Read more »

Structure in Threes: Modern IT Portfolio Management – Establishing a Portfolio: Step One

While the typical rational for Portfolio Management is closely associated with finance. I think because that is the easiest domain to track; the finance concept has a developed measurement system. Other intangible goals are harder to track as these don’t have well established metrics. There are not well published and accepted coordinate systems for risk,Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The Road to Transformational Leadership

This article outlines the four main qualities of a successful transformational leader. Here’s an interesting excerpt: “Research evidence clearly shows that groups led by transformational leaders have higher levels of performance and satisfaction than groups led by other types of leaders. Why? Because transformational leaders hold positive expectations for followers, believing that they can doRead… Read more »

Treat Data As Code

It’s time we start treating our data with the same love and respect that geeks treat their code. It’s time that we begin treating data as open source, not simply as something to be published. Putting process on a pedestal Geeks learned some two-decades ago that precision and transparency are everything. If so much asRead… Read more »

Government of the Future – How Competitions Create Innovation

Some of the most innovative ideas in government aren’t coming from the C-Suite, but from university students. Each year Governing Magazine hosts a competition for university students looking to change the way government works. It’s called thePublic Policy Challenge and it’s goal is to think through the entire process of an idea, from concept toRead… Read more »

Can government deliver?

I expected to dislike Conundrum. A book written by a member of the Public Accounts Committee (Richard Bacon) and a journalist (Christopher Hope) starting with a series of case studies about some of the worst examples it has examined in recent years was surely guaranteed to be an exercise in the simplistic mandarin bashing whichRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Terror at the Navy Yard – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: What metrics define a successful procurement? Is it the time it takes to go from an RFP to a new contract? Is it the number of disputes on a particular contract? The metrics around procurement are murky at best. But the National Association of State Chief Information Officers is trying toRead… Read more »

Are You Ready? 20 Jobs of the Future

There are few people alive today who saw “today” coming. I know because our parents, grandparents, and even our great-grandparents (if we’re so lucky) tell us about the “olden days”; they talk about having the first telephone in their community; some of them were among the first families in their neighborhoods to own a carRead… Read more »