Search Results for: cio

Conference on civil discourse being held in Seattle immediately before NCDD!

In case you’re not already aware of this, the Evergreen Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration and the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington holding a two-day conference titled “Civil Discourse to Resolve Governmental Crises: Creating a Path to Action” immediately before NCDD Seattle on October 10thRead… Read more »

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2012 NCDD Conference guidebook available for download!

Andy and I are getting ready for our trip to Seattle tomorrow for the 2012 NCDD conference, and we can’t tell you how excited we are to see everybody! We have 376 registrants as of this morning, and our planning team members are all bustling around to make sure everything comes together smoothly. Download ourRead… Read more »

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Mobile Devices, Bring your own or use a Government Furnished Device

The following blog was written by Nate Rushfinn, a Principal Customer Solutions Architect with CA Technologies. No, you can’t have it your way! According to a recent Gartner Group CIO study, by 2016 80% of employees will be eligible to use their own equipment with employer data. But a Forester study revealed that today, 37%Read… Read more »

Dialogue Seeds Strong and Growing Change in New Mexico

Dialogue-to-change is not simply a buzzword—it’s an active and real process that sees the bigger picture. The picture that says we can never have an energetic and authentic democracy without being connected to local communities and helping connect the dots to a national movement for change. In 2010, with the generous support of the W.K.Read… Read more »

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It’s the Social Era, and We Still Need Mission, Vision and Values

Recently I have found myself running virtually every business topic I consider though the grid of the social era. This is particularly interesting to me since there are a number of principles in business that are timeless in nature, but undergo countless changes in their application due to sociological shifts. Organizational change is no exception.Read… Read more »

$100 off the Art of Online Hosting webinar

Here’s a special offer for NCDD members from Adriano Pianesi. I’m considering participating in this online course on the Art of Online Hosting myself! – Sandy I would like to share with you our Webinar Facilitator Certification, “THE ART OF ONLINE HOSTING” online course. If, like me, you are committed to maintaining high standards ofRead… Read more »

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Can Film and Dialogue Change the World?

As another presidential election lingers on the horizon, we’re once again reminded of the seemingly irreparable divide that plagues our nation. In fact, public discourse seems to become more polarized every day, as talk show pundits, bloggers and even cable news anchors fling shrill epithets at the “other side.” Of course, our people’s inability toRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Collective Thinking About Public Affairs

In this essay I intentionally subsume the thinking processes of official decision-makers into the thinking processes of the citizenry as a whole. I realize that official decision-makers can and do make decisions independently of the will of the people, unless that public will is united and organized. But elite decisions made independently of the publicRead… Read more »

3 Keys to Big Data: Quick Wins, Clear Scope, Communicate

For centuries, government organizations have been collecting data from a variety of sources, and using the collected data to inform their decision-making. With the boom in non-traditional forms of data such as social media, video, digital photographs and email, government agencies are now challenged how to best collect, manage, and drive decisions from data. Today,Read… Read more »

Why does Collaboration between Government & Industry still matter?

The ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference will be held in Williamsburg October 28-30 this year. It will bring together eight or nine hundred government and business executives for relatively intense collaboration in 16 working sessions, and provide plenary addresses from a war hero, an Acting Administrator, a renowned theoretical physicist, a prominent television journalist, and theRead… Read more »