Search Results for: cio

Solving the Security Problem Facing Government Desktops

Advanced KVM Technology Protects Government Desktops from Cyberthreats – VNM100312 – Over a three-year period, government agencies reported a 400-percent increase in attempted incursions into federal systems – demonstrating that cyber attacks on government systems are increasing at an exponential rate. While there is no current data on the number of attempts to compromiseRead… Read more »

LocalData, the Law, and User Research

Sometimes people ask what it’s like to be a Code for America Fellow and work on things like LocalData. By my expression, they quickly garner that it’s hard work. But as demonstrated by the tale of LocalData user research, it’s also exciting times. LocalData is a toolkit that helps groups collect place-based data. For example,Read… Read more »

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DoD says DON’T plan on sequestration cuts – DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We are constantly hearing about how the polarization in Congress is making it impossible for anything to get accomplished. Are there any issues that can be not only agreed upon by our officials but also acted upon and implemented? The NAPA and the ASPA came together on this very question andRead… Read more »

Naval Surface Warfare Center Develops 3D Mobile Spying Malware, National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and More

By AlexOlesker Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Naval Surface Warfare Center has developed a malicious mobile application that makes infected phones take random photos which are stitched together to reconstruct surroundings in 3D. More here. The U.S. Energy Information Administration launched its application programming interface which allows developers to designRead… Read more »

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What Does It Mean to Disconnect?

By AdamElkus Are we too connected to our gadgets? Many journalists and social thinkers seem to think so. Are we all too fixated on emailing, tweeting, just plain staring at our screens to participate in the world around us? The answer may be more complex than that, but you won’t find it in posts likeRead… Read more »

MBR: Trust Me I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator

I decided I was going to read a book a week every couple of weeks for a year, here’s a quick review of this week’s book. You can see the ongoing list here. Basic Info Trust Me I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator by Ryan Holiday Why I read it A buddy of mineRead… Read more »

Defibrillating Knowledge Management

This is not the original title for this blog, the change is a bow towards the good folks on the ACT-KM listserv, some of whom are checking for a pulse on the teenaged wrist of Knowledge Management. The social graph used to be analog, fleeting and personal – which extended to our metaphors: “Whom doRead… Read more »

Google Passes MSFT in Valuation, More iPhone 5 issues and more

By RyanKamauff Everyone’s favorite search engine is starting to really make some money Here are today’s top news and stories. Google’s (GOOG) stock price has been steadily growing for the past 3 months. Their current market cap is $248B, second only to Apple. Google’s Android is the leading mobile operating system for all smartphones, andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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ClearHealthCosts Is Like For Medical Procedure Price Comparisons

Chris Seper (Cleveland, OH) – It’s valuable to know that you can get a $50 mammogram in Queens as opposed to paying $607 for one on E 102nd Street in Manhattan. New York’s ClearHealthCosts is going to find out just how valuable that information is. The company, spun out of an entrepreneurial journalism program atRead… Read more »

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Strengthening the Code for America Board

Code for America has been blessed with a fantastic group of dedicated individuals who have helped us get off the ground and guided our growth over the past couple of years. As we’ve grown, we’ve recognized the need for our governing and strategy board to better reflect the community we serve and the principles weRead… Read more »

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