Search Results for: Cloud

One Man’s Mission – Ethics Reform

Missouri is home to some of the weakest ethic laws in the county. The Show-Me-State is the only state in the country that does not limit the amount of money that can be given in campaign contributions and also does not put a limit on the personal gifts that lobbyists can give to legislators. JasonRead… Read more »

The Real Pay Debate – Not A Number, But Proper Compensation

Your pay is up for debate, yet again. A new Congressional Research Service report, Selected Characteristics of Private and Public Sector Workers, continues the debate that came to the forefront during the 2010 election season over whether federal employees are overpaid, or in the view of some, underpaid. But, comparing wages and benefits of governmentRead… Read more »

The Inside Track on Open Data

There’s no denying that today’s technology provides immense opportunity to transform the way government engages with citizens. Through mobile, cloud, GIS and social media, government can be where the citizens are, and provide critical services when needed. At the heart of this technological transformation lies data. That’s why so many agencies have committed themselves toRead… Read more »

Should The Next School House Rock Video Be About Civic Tech?

Growing up in the 90s, School House Rock taught me all about how a bill becomes a law and how the U.S. is a melting pot of cultures. But today, there’s no School House Rock video to explain to me what civic technology is. And I could really use one. If you’re like me, youRead… Read more »

Government SaaS, Not Your Typical SaaS

In the mobile consumer and perhaps even the enterprise world, there is no doubt that software-as-a-service (SaaS) is here to stay. On a daily basis, there are new and wonderful SaaS products and providers popping up with the likes of the 500 pound guerrillas such as Google,Microsoft and Facebook; everyone is looking to get inRead… Read more »

In The Post-Snowden World, Security Is Ever Changing – Plus The 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Most people acknowledge the federal government’s civil service system is pretty much broken. It has been called woefully inadequate for the challenges of the 21st century, and frankly one of the biggest impediments to creating the best government possible, that’s the assessment coming from a new report from the partnership forRead… Read more »

The Quiet Crisis – Gov’s Woefully Inadequate Pay System

“Money, money, money” – that’s often the refrain you hear from federal civil servants, who feel they don’t get paid enough. Not nearly enough. Chris Dorobek calls the pay system, “woefully inadequate for the challenges of the 21st century.” A new report from the Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton agrees. The reportRead… Read more »

Four Ways To Improve Procurement

Last year, in the midst of the’s troubled launch, President Obama said government IT procurement needs to be blown up and built anew. But how do you blow up federal procurement effectively? troubled procurement wasn’t the only high profile acquisition failure out there; there have been others. What changes actually need to beRead… Read more »

Take A Voyage – Why The Partnership Program Is Making A Difference

Every day on the DorobekINSIDER program we try to tell good government stories to help you do your job better. Today we get to highlight a program that is helping people do their jobs better by showing the power of partnerships; it’s an awesome program called Voyagers. Voyagers is part of the Industry Advisory CouncilRead… Read more »

A New Way To Run For Office – The Open Sourced Way

The definition of, of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So that begs the question is there a better way to create a political platform? David Cole is a 28 year old software developer who spent 2 years working at the White House as a Deputy DirectorRead… Read more »