Search Results for: research

Employee Retention Doesn’t Just Happen

What employee retention strategies do you use to engage and retain employees? Statistics from research done by the labor bureau show that the average American will hold around 11.3 jobs during their working years. The average number of jobs held is actually going up- especially with Millennials. Eleven may seem like a really high numberRead… Read more »

Thought No. 11: Requirements Development—the Blocking and Tackling of Federal Procurement

This week marks the beginning of the local football season with high schools and youth leagues beginning camps and tryouts—and YES, the Green Bay Packers are “in camp” too! As such it is appropriate to focus on Thought No. 11 of the Thirteen Thoughts for 2013: Requirements Development—the blocking and tackling of federal procurement. JustRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Many state and local government workers (despite cuts the last few years) Report Job Satisfaction

Here’s the stats from the Governing article: Overall, how satisfied are you with your job/working conditions? Response Percentage Very satisfied 38% Somewhat satisfied 40% Somewhat dissatisfied 16% Very dissatisfied 6% Please rate your satisfaction regarding your organization’s performance in providing the following: Rating Very Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Work/life balance 36% 50%Read… Read more »

The 2014 Fellowship Applicants

Code for America’s 2014 Fellowship application closed at midnight last night and we’re happy to announce that 658 talented individuals applied for the program. To those of you who applied — thank you so much for your dedication to civic tech. You will be receiving an email from us shortly with next steps. For thoseRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Cyber Security Sales Opportunities Take Front Stage

by Stephanie Sullivan, Consultant Agencies recognize that software vendors are the experts in the cyber security field, and they’re virtually begging for stakeholder engagement, so it’s really becoming more and more important to involve yourself in building out requirements, and to meet those voluntary but critical security needs. Dr. Ron Ross, Senior Computer Scientist andRead… Read more »

Moving Forward on the New Management Agenda

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. OMB is leading efforts across agencies to develop a Management Agenda that follows direction from the President. Key themes from this agenda reinforce some existing management activities and introduce new ones, and tie to the use ofRead… Read more »

Alumni Fellow Spotlight: Jeremy Canfield, Class of 2011

What led you to CfA I came to CfA after a mobile-social gaming app startup I’d helped launch had faltered. I’d previously worked in government, and while I found the work incredibly compelling, I was by then far too hooked on the dynamism of startup life to consider going back. Code for America seemed (andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

To Be Loved or Feared?

Leaders want to influence the behaviors of followers. But what is the most effective way to do this? By asserting strength and competence, or by focusing on warmth and trustworthiness? Style matters, claim several Harvard Business Review authors, Amy Cuddy, Matthew Kohut, and John Neffinger, in a recent article. They write: “A growing body ofRead… Read more »

10 Questions Every Cloud Computing Buyer Must Ask

I’m fascinated by the fact that cloud computing has become ubiquitous in our lives – and that most of us don’t even realize when we’re benefiting from cloud technology. For instance, we’re using the cloud when we search Amazon, use an app on our phone, or watch a movie on Netflix. In many ways, thisRead… Read more »

Why Government Agencies Need to Prove Value

From the fiscal cliff to the current sequester, government agencies are operating in a period of fiscal uncertainly. At best agencies will have flat year-on-year budgets, barely keeping up with the rate of inflation. At worst agencies will face deep budget cuts. While many agencies are already reducing waste, cutting back on training, and increasingRead… Read more »