Search Results for: cio

Internet Freedom Legislation, Big Data Solutions for the Intelligence Community, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The White House is working with the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and others to draft their cybersecurity executive order. More here. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously approved a non-binding resolution calling on the United States to prevent the United NationsRead… Read more »

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Increasing Battlefield Bandwidth, Laws and Norms for Cyber Attacks, and More

AEHF satellite concept Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Harold Koh, the State Department’s chief legal adviser, declared that the United States believes that cyber attacks are subject to humanitarian and war laws. More here. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants to put electromagnetic and acoustic sensors in icebergs to monitorRead… Read more »

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Welcome to IF… Urban

Here’s a post from Natalie Hopkinson, Fellow of the Interactivity Foundation (IF). The Interactivity Foundation is one of our Co-Sponsors for the 2012 NCDD Conference, and we are raising awareness within our community about IF’s great work. Check out this impressive list! One of the three legs of the Interactivity Foundation’s (IF) mission is publicRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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“Buying In” Now Effectively Policy Across Government

In a recent breakfast hosted by the Coalition for Government Procurement, Office of Federal Procurement Policy Administrator Joe Jordan effectively punted on the notion of best value versus the realities of federal procurement; lowest priced offers win contracts. …Generally speaking, he said industry likes best-value procurements. They allow companies to propose higher prices, since officialsRead… Read more »

Please submit by Friday for the Government Big Data Solutions Award

If you are a government IT leader or a firm that serves government please take a moment to give us your thoughts. We are looking for Big Data solutions in the government space that are making positive contributions to government missions. Nominees for the Government Big Data Solutions Award will be evaluated by a panelRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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How to Advance Your Tech Career — Simple Steps

On September 13th, GovLoop hosted our first ever virtual show, the Government Innovator’s Online Summit. The virtual conference brought together nearly 1300 government innovators, and provided five trainings throughout the day. Participants had the opportunity to virtually network, download resources and attend free online trainings to help them do their job better. Topics for theRead… Read more »

Political Convention Innovation: An Interview With Microsoft’s Director Of Campaigns & Elections

Earlier this month the 2012 Presidential Election went into high gear with the Republican and Democratic National Conventions taking place in Tampa, Florida, and Charlotte, North Carolina, respectively. Though not a delegate or party member, Microsoft was a major force at both conventions, providing critical technologies and services that support and enhance the democratic process.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

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We Don’t Know Who Buys American Drones, NASA’s Visual Data Processing, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Government Accountability Office found that the federal government has no way of knowing which countries have purchased American drones because of inadequate databases and weak communication between licensing departments and intelligence agencies. More here. The United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity has awarded aRead… Read more »

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Just one week left to register for NCDD Seattle at the regular rate!

I wanted to post a quick reminder that next Thursday (September 20th) is the last day to register for the 2012 NCDD conference at the regular rate. The late rate of $550 goes into effect that night at 11pm Pacific! We timed it like this to encourage everyone to get themselves registered and reserve theirRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Make a Statement – submit your photo for a network video!

NCDD is inviting all members to participate in a project that will be showcased at the NCDD Seattle conference next month. The planning team would like to create a video comprised of photos submitted by our members that include a statement of how you describe your work in dialogue and deliberation — or why youRead… Read more »

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