Search Results for: research

De-cluttering, de-stressing, and de-bugging the data call process

One of the things that gets undercounted in most organizations is the time and effort spent responding to data calls. I think there’s probably a great piece research work that could be done just in looking at data calls that fall outside of normal business process flows within large organizations whether they are public sectorRead… Read more »

2013 NextGen Summit “How to Make the Best of Your Government Career”

How many of us have thought to ourselves as a fairly “new” (anyone hired after the Reagan era) government employee, “What do I do next as a government employee?” Well this entire morning session was packed with participants spanning the walls just to get this and many other questions answered by the presenters, Latonia Page,Read… Read more »

Becoming a Great Leader: Inspiring and Building Trust with Employees

NextGen Training Summit Presented by: Partnership for Public Service In order to be a successful leader or manager it is essential to achieve a high level of trust with others, particularly in these challenging times when trust in our government’s leaders is at its lowest levels. In an interactive session, representatives from the Partnership forRead… Read more »

How Do You Convert a Classroom-Based Course for Social, Online Learning? (Part 2)

In a previous post, I highlighted how GovLoop worked with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to convert a two-day Department of Defense (DoD) course entitled, “Performance Management for HR Practitioners.” In this post, I wanted to share the recommendations that we made to OPM as I think they offer some lessons for otherRead… Read more »

Top 5 Professional Development Takeaways from NextGen

Thanks to GovDelivery’s partnership with GovLoop, I was able to attend NextGen and learn the same invaluable lessons imparted to the next generation of government workers. Here are my top five professional development takeaways from these great two days: Develop a plan to implement the big idea – Too often, we start with a big,Read… Read more »

Takeaways from the NextGen Summit – Plus the 7 DorobekINSIDER’s Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Jennifer Pahlka, Deputy Chief Technology Officer & Founder of Code for America, kicked off the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. She outlined her six lessons learned for change agents. Click here for the full recap. But up front: Lessons learned from #NextGenGov We are just coming off two days atRead… Read more »

CRM Appstore for Government

Introduced at the Conference of Mayors this past weekend, there is a new resource for US Public Sector organizations looking for applications and add-ons based on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform. Now, public sector organizations of all sizes can use technology to better manage everything from citizen services, FOIA requests, economic development, mapping, fleet managementRead… Read more »

New Report Examines the State of Rulemaking 2.0

This article was first posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog. The IBM Center for The Business of Government is today releasing a new report, Rulemaking 2.0: Understanding and Getting Better Public Participation, by Cynthia R.Farina and Mary J. Newhart with CeRI (the Cornell eRulemaking Initiative). This reportRead… Read more »

Where To Find Interesting Photos Sites

Pretty much all people has received an email that will comprised many of these hilarious images in the preceding. Exactly what most people do not fully grasp is how to discover these kind of photos for by themselves. The web as well as study search engines certainly are a terrific instrument for locating the particularRead… Read more »

GSA Marketing Outreach Forum-July 31, 2013

Interested in actionable information about the GSA market and customer base? On July 31, 2013, key officials from GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) will join the Coalition to discuss GSA’s marketing message and initiatives designed to increase market share. GSA Administrator, Dan Tangherlini, has set an agency goal of having a 17% share of theRead… Read more »