Search Results for: cio

The what, why, when and how of E-gov

E-government— the term has been evolving for years and it is increasingly key to how agencies accomplish their mission. But there aren’t universal best practices. For example a successful program in a town in California is not being applied to a similar situation in Mexico. The new book from Ramon Gil-Garcia explores the problem. TheRead… Read more »

The Pigs Strike Back, Amazon adds more selections to Instant Video and more

Here are the top new stories of the day. The follow up to Angry Birds (Bad Piggies) – is on its way out soon. Rovio will launch the game September 27th (probably to great acclaim). I would expect that a huge number of people will purchase this game. Via Engadget, more here. An analysis ofRead… Read more »

Gartner’s 2012 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies

Since 1995, Gartner has been tracking the development and adoption of new technologies by plotting them on their Hype Cycle, updated yearly. Last month, they released their 2012 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, plotting the progress of some of the hottest disruptive technologies and trends. The idea behind the Hype Cycle is that most newRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Call For Submissions: Government Big Data Solutions Award

If you are a government IT leader or a firm that serves government please take a moment to give us your thoughts. We are looking for Big Data solutions in the government space that are making positive contributions to government missions. Nominees for the Government Big Data Solutions Award will be evaluated by a panelRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

15 Lessons From IBM On How To Transform A City

IBM as a company has years of experience helping cities around the world improve how they deliver services. A white paper published by IBM titled “How to Transform a City: Lessons from the IBM Smarter Cities Challenge”, provides 15 lessons for leaders looking to transform how their cities operate: 1. Be Bold- Even Audacious– SetRead… Read more »

“Shaping Our Future” National Dialogue Launches Tomorrow!

As you may know, the National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI), in association with the American Commonwealth Partnership, is launching their latest year-long national dialogue, Shaping Our Future, with an event at the National Press Club in DC tomorrow morning (Sept 4th). This initiative encourages students, faculty, administrators, employers, and members of the general public toRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Unsustainable Government – #gov20

Time to move past where we were built and into what we could be – #PaaS #Gov20 Queensland in Australia is struggling amidst an unsustainable government technology posture. It developed over decades. It must end now. The problem is highlighted in a discussion over the first round of job cuts that will result from braveRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The Local GDS question – again…

Last Friday evening conversation started on twitter about a local GDS, the why, what, how, who, where etc. Now I didn’t have too much time to get involved in the conversation on twitter, although I did post a comment on Ben Proctors blog post on Friday evening – I would have contributed more but wasRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Defining Work-Life Balance in a Digital/Mobile World

The 21st century explosion of information technology has had a major impact in the American workplace and is swiftly redefining the traditional work-life balance in fundamental ways. As government employees (govies), we are becoming increasingly dependent on mobile/digital technology to get our jobs done. In due time, it may be the only way we work.Read… Read more »

Thank a Union Member for the Good Life You Have

Join Your Friends and Neighbors in the Labor Day Parade On Monday September 3, Americans will observe the 131st Labor Day celebration. The Allegheny County Labor Council will host its 31st consecutive parade downtown. Pittsburgh’s parade is one of the largest Labor Day events in the United States, with nearly 200 groups and 80,000 peopleRead… Read more »