Search Results for: research

Short and sweet: The value of brevity

In today’s modern world much has changed in the way of how we get and internalize our information. With so much new technology constantly coming out that makes it easier and faster to get information, we are oversaturated. We are constantly hit with a barrage of information about absolutely anything and everything. It has changedRead… Read more »

The Bazaar World of Fearless Advice 2.0

It’s no surprise that our role as civil servants is changing. One can hardly browse a civil service centric publication from the developed world that doesn’t start by framing drivers of change: big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and technologically driven disruptive innovation in well-established regulatory markets (e.g. AirBNB, Uber, etc) to name but a few.Read… Read more »

Making Maps and Sense

This post was original published at I’ve been, perhaps ungracefully, transitioning from a conversation here about facelessness vs. authenticity (see: Embracing Authenticity Means Embracing Complexity) to an exploration of what a new professionalism looks like for the Canadian Public Service (see: Towards a New Professionalism in Government, Parts I and II). I stand byRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

DISA Wants 10 for Cloud Contract, Only 5 Have Passed FedRAMP

The Defense Information Research Agency wants to award 10 positions on a potential $450 million cloud computing products and services contract even as only five companies have gone through the new governmentwide cloud certification process, Federal Times reports. Nicole Blake Johnson writes companies that hold the FedRAMP authority to operate are Amazon Web Services, AutonomicRead… Read more »

How the digital world is affecting the modern patient

A few weeks ago I was asked to contribute a guest post for the Saint Elizabeth Health Care CEO Blog. I decided to focus on the topic of how the digital world is affecting the modern patient. Below is my full blog post. You can also read the slightly condensed post directly on the SEHCRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Making Mobile Matter Cheat Sheet

As mobile becomes the new normal, agencies must share resources, best practices, and case studies to accelerate adoption. Our new guide – Making Mobile Matter: Implementing Your Mobile Enterprise Strategy highlights how agencies can effectively implement an enterprise wide mobile strategy, explores strategies to create mobile apps for employees, the importance of mobile device managementRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Public and strategic

Most of the time, the hottest place in the solar system is the core of the sun. Some of the time, the hottest place in the solar system is tucked away in an obscure building on an anonymous industrial estate on a former airfield in rural Oxfordshire.1 There they use extreme heat and power toRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

How Innovation Drives Sustained Growth for Your Brand

Let’s pretend for a moment you’re in the business of selling transportation to college students. What, do you suppose, is most important to them: price, time, convenience, comfort or safety? After you conduct your market research, you determine what matters most to your target audience is time. So you develop a value proposition and serviceRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

#Talentchat Reflections: My First #Tweetchat on Talent Management

On Wednesday, June 19, I hosted my first tweetchat about talent management and talent management systems. Talent management is an area I have been exploring lately, and I was eager to hear my colleagues’ thoughts about what they have seen in the industry. We had a great conversation, and I was pleased to be joinedRead… Read more »

The Changing Social Paradigm

The Web provided the pathways. The software provided the user with sophisticated tools and utilities. Social media – like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Twitter, GovLoop – provided the community and forum. All of which has contributed to far reaching change in the way we interact, conduct business, pursue careers, and entertain ourselves. bitod (back inRead… Read more »