Search Results for: cio

USDA: Another Federal Agency Seeks Input on Digital Strategy

By Dennis D. McDonald The U.S. Department of Agriculture has joined other Federal agencies in seeking input on how to proceed with development of its “digital strategy.” In Seeking Your Input for USDA’s Digital Strategy the USDA’s Amanda Eamich lists for comment 5 “first-move candidates” to make available as web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): WorldRead… Read more »

Finding Efficiency with Data Center Consolidation

This post is part of GovLoop’s ongoing blog series around one of our latest resources, Navigating the Digital Government Roadmap. In the guide, the most pressing technology trends are identified. The guide is intended to provide a broad spectrum of government technology. Our blog series will dive deeper into each section, so be sure toRead… Read more »

Holograms for the Intelligence Community, White House Mandates Digitization, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Air Force issued a broad agency announcement for concept papers to develop its Cyberspace Warfare Operations focusing on offensive capabilities. More here. The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity is looking to develop holographic imagery and data displays. More here. The Federal CIO Council released recommendationsRead… Read more »

Federal “Bring Your Own Device” Toolkit, Unifying Offense and Defense at CYBERCOM, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Department of Homeland Security’s fingerprint database for foreigners entering the United States has 825,000 records associated with multiple individuals, most of which are due to data entry errors but also false identities. More here. The federal government released its “Bring Your Own Device” toolkit forRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

DHS Rule Protects Small Business? Think Again.

Federal Computer Week reported on a proposed change to the Homeland Security Acquisition Regulation, the supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in order to help small businesses fend off rapacious primes contractors from “windfall” payments on Time and Materials contracts. “Help” like this is not desired by smallRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: August 24, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Start Your Engines! The White House announced the first round of Presidential Innovation Fellows. Of particular interest to me are those working on the MyGov project, which has already launched an IdeaScale component. Now Get to Work! In related news, the White House has also open-sourced its “We the People” platform, so anyoneRead… Read more »

BYOD @ EEOC: case study featured in official WH guidance

Below is the full text of the EEOC’s case study, part of the official White House guidance on BYOD issued earlier today government-wide as part of the Administration’s new Digital Government Strategy. Also see: “Should feds get reimbursed for BYOD?” “BYOD Pilot: Five Lessons Learned” “BYOD and Beyond” U.S. Equal EmploymentRead… Read more »

Presidential Innovation Fellows Announced

Today, Federal CTO Todd Park formally launched the Presidential Innovation Fellows program. Over the next few weeks, the Fellows will be blogging more in-depth about their program here on GovLoop, and working to share their best practices and tell their story how they are working to transform government. The Presidential Innovation Fellows program has fiveRead… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: Tech

Save Your Project And Money With Agile

The FBI’s Sentinel project is a recently completed case study of the potential of Lean/Agile methodologies for managing government projects. “so fraught with miscommunication, incompetence and failed oversight that the entire debacle would have been a shoo-in for the most flagrant waste of taxpayer dollars since, well, ever” They were over-running and close to killingRead… Read more »

Challenges in Turning Federal Digital Strategy into Mobile Reality

By Dennis D. McDonald Directive number 7 in Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel’s May 23, 2012 federal API strategy Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People states the following: 7. Improve Priority Customer-Facing Services for Mobile Use. The general public and our government workforce should be able to access governmentRead… Read more »