Search Results for: research

10 Best Practices to Utilize When Designing an Effective Survey

Evaluations are becoming an important part of almost every government activity, especially the administration of grant programs. Many grant program evaluations use surveys to collect information from both benefactors and beneficiaries. For these surveys to be effective, they should follow a few simple best practices outlined below. 1. Brief, Smooth Introduction: This should provide theRead… Read more »

HR Can’t Ignore Big Data

Information remains an organization’s most valuable and underutilized asset. Top performers are investing in analytics to elevate recruitment and performance. Everyone talks about big data. People talk about being overwhelmed by information, about capturing it, storing it, struggling with it and doing something useful with it. Talent managers can’t avoid the topic. The digital universeRead… Read more »

Public Sector: Study Shows a Growing Need to Validate Eligibility Determinations

A recent study conducted by the Governing Institute and commissioned by Experian confirms that government benefit agencies can greatly improve their eligibility verification processes through automated data analytics. Historically, assorted health and human service programs have been compartmentalized, with each benefit agency having its own data collection system, eligibility requirements and program rules. The technologyRead… Read more »

FTC Member Julie Brill Pushes for Healthcare Data Protection

Julie Brill, a member of the Federal Trade Commission, has expressed support for privacy protection in the healthcare sector amid increasing big data applications, reported June 27. Anthony Brino writes that Brill proposes that consumers regain control over their personal information, determine the amount of data to share and be able choose whether toRead… Read more »

Live Tweet Google Plus – The Center Of Your Internet

Monday July 1, I gave an hour plus talk about how I use Google Plus to 40PlusDC. Best thing I learned at the meeting was about the baggage we make up about being unemployed. If you’re not interesting a potential partner, lack of employment is an easy a way out of a boring meeting. IfRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Android Smart Phone Vulnerabity

For you Smart Phone Users…. BE AWARE! from bluebox’s blogUncovering Android Master Key That Makes 99% of Devices Vulnerable The Bluebox Security research team – Bluebox Labs – recently discovered a vulnerability in Android’s security model that allows a hacker to modify APK code without breaking an application’s cryptographic signature, to turn any legitimate applicationRead… Read more »

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Lockdown – (thoughts on RSS etc) Doug Engelbart, visionary David Wilcox » Realising the knowledge assets of research for the rest of us – how about a set of recipe cards? LEGO Cultures of Creativity report launched today – David Gauntlett Mozilla and Partners PrepareRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

State of Indiana Leading the Way With Mobile Adoption

One of the most exciting trends in government is mobility. With the flood of consumer devices entering the workplace, the public sector has looked at ways to implement mobile to improve communications strategies, cut costs, increase employee productivity, and transform collaboration across government agencies. In this post I highlight a case study from the StateRead… Read more »

What is the Future of the Channel?

by Skip Liesegang, Vice President, Partners, Programs, and Alliances. What is going to have real impact on your future channel success? Here are a few things I’m seeing that could impact the Channel particularly in the public sector markets: Will the continued movement to Software as a Service (SaaS) or subscription based services affect yourRead… Read more »

4 Ways Acquisition Professionals Should Engage With Industry

GovLoop and Integrity Management Consulting are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement. What are the most effective ways for acquisition professionals to engage with industry in the early stages of theRead… Read more »