Search Results for: cio

The 50 Best Federal Technology Blogs

Fed Tech Magazine recently released their list of “50 Must-Read Federal Technology Blogs,” which included The list is a great resource, featuring the blogs of numerous government CIOs, CTOs, cybersecurity experts, and departments, as well as top federal news sources. I noticed that most of these blogs and experts also had a Twitter presenceRead… Read more »

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Thank you to our latest Scholarship Fund donors!

We’re wrapping up the first week of our scholarship fund drive for the 2012 NCDD conference and want to thank our latest contributers for your generosity! Our goal is to raise $15,000 from our community to help people from diverse backgrounds make it to NCDD Seattle who may not otherwise be able to join us.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

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NYPD and Microsoft Create a Next Generation Law Enforcement Big Data Solution

With an emphasis on surveillance, evidence, and reporting, law enforcement is an extremely data-intensive field and the New York City Police Department, as the largest agency which deals with the largest American city, has the most data to handle. Lately, with the NYPD’s greater focus on counterterrorism and projects like the Lower Manhattan Security InitiativeRead… Read more »

Public Opinion, Public Judgment, and Public Wisdom

Pollsters, politicians and pundits quote public opinion polls to tell us what the public thinks. Deliberative democracy advocates promote public judgment to deepen public opinion. Few people talk about public wisdom – what it could be and what it could do. I think we need all three forms of public sensibility. I think we canRead… Read more »

Justice Department hires a prosecutor for whistleblowers — DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories you need to know

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Thursday the 9th of August, 2012 The Justice Department has appointed a former prosecutor to focus on whistleblower complaints. Robert Storch will work in the inspector general’s office. Storch will educate employees about the importance of whistleblowers in uncovering waste, fraud and abuse. The Wall Street JournalRead… Read more »

Meet the SWAT team for social media (VOST) and is there a VALUE in transparency?

On today’s program Earlier this week, we asked if Twitter and Facebook spelled the end of emergency management. Well, emergency managers are actually learning to use those tools to broaden their eyes and ears about what is going on in an emergency. They are called Virtual Operations Support Teams. And we’ll talk to an emergencyRead… Read more »

Does transparency add VALUE?

The Obama Administration has made openness and transparency a priority. But three years in, people are starting to ask does transparency add VALUE? John Wonderlich is the Policy Director at the Sunlight Foundation. He’s written extensively on the status of open government. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program why transparency matters. “It shouldn’tRead… Read more »

Engagement 3.0 conference call at 4pm Eastern tomorrow

If you’re serious about engagement, you stopped expecting people to just come to your meetings a long time ago. And if you’re really serious about engagement, you know that even social media and block parties can’t help you reach all the people in your community. The next frontiers in innovative public engagement include a wholeRead… Read more »

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