Search Results for: Employee Recognition

Thank Govies-They Make Differences That Affect Us All

Ever read about someone else’s impressive accomplishments and feel like you are reading about a distant, far-off land where superheroes exist and they have nothing to do with you? The truth is, those superheroes are real people who do affect your lives. You may not know it, but your govies here in the U.S. areRead… Read more »

Competency Trap

We all fall victim in our careers to the competency trap–the tendency to gravitate to those things that we do naturally. Since our workplaces reward us for our proficiencies and expertise, we get conditioned to do the same behavior over and over again because it feeds our need for recognition and appreciation.

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Filed under: Career

5 Easy Ways to Get Your Team to Trust You

When you’ve earned your team’s trust, they can achieve greater success together and individually. They’ll work more collaboratively and accomplish tasks with greater efficiency. When they know they can put their trust in you, your team will be more likely to support your decisions and bring their full enthusiasm to their work.

When Crying at Work is a Good Thing

Often called the Oscars for government employees, the Sammies represent the best and brightest government employees. And man, do they deserve some recognition. The Sammies honorees break down barriers, overcome huge challenges and get results. Whether they’re defending the homeland, protecting the environment, ensuring public safety, making scientific and medical discoveries, or responding to natural… Read more »

Great Management and Efficiency are Not an Oxymoron

It’s the ultimate catch-22. With limited time in the work day and an ever-growing stack of projects and assignments, how much time do government agencies really have to put into energizing their employees. Considering the gap between worker satisfaction in the private sector versus the public sector has nearly tripled since 2010, it is aRead… Read more »

Measuring Up: How CIOs Can Take Stock

Savvy leaders know that it is important to not only know what and how you are doing, but for your key stakeholders to know, as well. . . . . Information technology has made possible the availability of real-time data and the tools to display that data, such as dash­boards, scorecards, and heat maps. ThisRead… Read more »

Does the Federal Government Need Managers?

Imagine a federal government with no managers, executives, supervisors, bosses or titles. Imagine a federal holocracy-an organization where authority and decision making are distributed through self-organizing teams rather than a hierarchy. One such organization that is making this “outside the box” approach work is Zappos, an online shoe and clothing company. You are probably thinkingRead… Read more »

Wide Open Spaces

A recent Federal News Radio Online Survey shows feds are not keen on open office spaces. Most prefer to work in offices where they can close their doors, as many complaints involve lower productivity due to more distractions. While feds are less likely to enjoy their offices with low or no partitions separating them fromRead… Read more »

The Exit Interview: What It Is and Why You Should Do It

Attracting and retaining talent is a challenge for many public sector organizations, especially in light of an aging workforce and an upsurge of retirees. One effective method to uncover the reasons employees jump ship, be it to the private sector or elsewhere in the public sector, is the exit interview. What is an exit interview?Read… Read more »

Revitalizing the Federal Workforce

Managers as a whole are an integral part of the employee experience. We remember the good ones – and we really remember the bad ones. Because they are so involved in day-to-day activities, the way your manager treats you can drastically impact how you view your workplace. How leaders manage talent is thus integral toRead… Read more »