Search Results for: personal brand

Meet GovLoop’s Featured Bloggers!

Last month, we put out a call for our eighth round of GovLoop Featured Bloggers – and you responded with amazing enthusiasm. People from all walks of government and industry life sent in great ideas for posts, about everything from technology challenges in city government to using Twitter to monitor food safety in your city…. Read more »

Become a Senior Government Leader Today!

I think we can all agree that we would love to know the secrets of being successful. For those in government, success is usually defined by becoming a senior leader. The best way to learn is still (and always will be) from personal testimonies. As such, we should seek out the knowledge from those currentlyRead… Read more »

The Best Government Conferences of 2016 [Updated]

This list should help you plan for 2016 and start advocating for those precious professional development dollars. Here you’ll find brand new events you might want to check out as well as established events that might be new to you. Many are essential conferences that those working in government cannot do without.

Going Digital in Government

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, 30 Government Innovations That Mattered in 2015 which examines 30 government case studies that explore innovation at all levels of government. Innovations that spanned the government job spectrum from human resources to cybersecurity and back again. In the public sector, mission is everything. The mission drives agencies toRead… Read more »