Search Results for: research

Request Your Inputs For A Coming CTOvision Piece on Impact of Cloudera Impala, Search and CDH releases

By Bob Gourley We are beginning to formulate assessments on the potential impact to the federal technology community of some recent developments we believe will have far-reaching and positive impact. Over the last quarter Cloudera has continued to announce strategic partnerships, improvements to their open source technology integrations, and new capabilities that will improve theRead… Read more »

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Therapy for IT Insanity: ‘Big Data’ Deemed Mission Critical

By Timothy Coleman A new study concludes that 70 percent of Federal IT executives deem “Big Data,” as a transformative lynchpin for mission critical work. Published by MeriTalk, an online government IT resource, and sponsored by EMC Corporation, a leading provider of IT storage hardware solutions, “The Smarter Uncle Sam: The Big Data Forecast” theRead… Read more »

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The benefits of open data

Where is the money going? As part of its response to the economic crisis, the US federal government approved the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – a stimulus package worth $787 billion (subsequently increased to $840 billion) – in February 2009. The Act provides financing for tax cuts and benefits, “entitlement programs” (such as unemploymentRead… Read more »

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New Sensation with Brian Southey, City of Bloomington, IL

Since ELGL is not a big fan of icebreakers and since we would rather not know what animal you want to be, this blog feature will serve as a means of introducing new members. While you won’t learn about their favorite animal, you will learn about their ideal Sunday morning, which dead people would theyRead… Read more »

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Why Conferences Matter for Govies

It seems you can’t turn around these days without hearing about another government conference scandal. But what gets lost in the horror stories of magicians and fancy hotel suits is the real reason why these conferences are essential for govies, learning. Sandra Magnus is the Executive Director of the American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsRead… Read more »

Social Security Update, Medicare Concerns, and Retiree Jobs

Norma, a federal employee that elected to collect Social Security while still working, commented on my last article on this subject. She stated that while it is true you don’t decrease social security benefits if you are still working at age 66 or older you may be subject to taxes on some of the socialRead… Read more »

Air Force saves more than a BILLION dollars on energy – Find out how they did it

The Air Force is the single largest consumer of energy in the federal government. Last year alone the Air Force spent more than $9 billion on fuel and electricity. The energy bill constitutes more than 8 percent of the Air Force budget. But it could of been much higher. Dr. Kevin Geiss is the DeputyRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: June 14, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week: Nationals. On Her Majesty’s [Digital] Service. The BBC takes readers “Inside the UK Government Digital Service“ Crowdsourcing Canada. There’s still time to join a meetup to help “connect and build the open data community in Canada.” Excel-lent Aussies. The Financial Review reports that the Australian Treasury “will release budget papers inRead… Read more »

DISA collapsing wired networks, expanding wireless, Coasties don’t want expensive TISCOM laptops and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Coasties don’t want expensive TISCOM laptops – According to a recent DHS audit, the Coast Guard is sitting on over 5,000 laptops in Coast Guard Telecommunications and Information Systems Command warehouses. These laptops, many of which are over 3 years old,Read… Read more »

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Mitigation of Sequestration Impacts on Project Management

How you respond to the impacts of Federal sequestration on ongoing projects will be at least partly determined by how “mature” your project management practices are. Gartner’s PPM Maturity Model is useful to review here. Gartner describes 5 levels of “maturity, with 1 being low and 5 being high: Level 1: Reactive Level 2: EmergingRead… Read more »