Search Results for: cio

Walking the tightrope between best practice and negligence – things to consider when responding to targeted or advanced persistent threats

Over the course of the last few months I’ve been asked several times how incident responders should react to notification that their company has been breached by targeted or advanced persistent threats (T/APT). In every case I offer the same, simple insights: People count. A trained, analytically curious team will have a far greater chanceRead… Read more »

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Weekly Round-up: July 27, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda A Boyle’s Law for Data? The Pew Internet and American Life Project has released a report titled “The Future of Big Data” that begins with the line “We swim in a sea of data … and the sea level is rising rapidly.” What pressure does all that data exert on us? Or onRead… Read more »

This week got me thinking

I spent last week in Richmond Virginia and Washington DC. I visited old friends and made new ones. I put in a couple days of probono work for the great city of Richmond, and spoke at the Next Generation of Government Summit in DC. It’s been a whirlwind week and I am completely exhausted butRead… Read more »

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Dan Chenok’s House Committee Testimony: Innovation and Cloud Computing

The following was originally posted by Dan Chenok, the Executive Director of the IBM Center for the Business of Government. I am testifying today before the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition, and the Internet. I outline how Cloud computing can transform our society and government, save money, and increase efficiency and effectiveness.Read… Read more »

Shared Values With Hackers, NGA Geo-Location Tool for Video and Imagine, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: General Alexander, Director of the National Security Agency and Commander of US Cyber Command, will talk about “Shared Values, Shared Responsibilities” between the Intelligence Community and hackers at DEFCON 20. More here. The Army is looking for a a realistic Threat Computer Network Operations Team toRead… Read more »

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Cloud and GIS: A Perfect Match for Collaboration

Jack and Laura Dangermond founded Esri in 1969. Today I had the privilege of hearing Jack talk about Esri, and some of the new features and products that Esri now offers at a press briefing at the 2012 Esri International User Conference. In particular, Jack spoke about ArcGIS Cloud, and his vision of how theRead… Read more »

Advice from the Public Conversations Project on having critical conversations on challenging issues

As our nation attempts to make sense of the tragic shooting in Tucson, it is easy to portion out blame and accountability. Even easier is avoiding conversations with those who hold views different from our own. These patterns shut down communication and, in a charged atmosphere, can quickly lead to polarized conflict, when what mostRead… Read more »

Blizzards to Beaches

I’ve always been an inquisitive person. I’ve been known to purposely shake things up. I wouldn’t be labeled as someone who follows the status quo. I often purposely put myself into uncomfortable situations to test my instincts and challenge my insecurities. (If we have a chance to meet at the CfA Summit, I can tellRead… Read more »

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Sharing policies, patterns, recipes & code across government

This morning at the Drupal Downunder event I learnt about the New Zealand Features site which shares recipes for re-usable Drupal code and patterns across NZ government. To me this is representative of one of the significant opportunities I’ve seen for government in Australia emerging out of Gov 2.0 thinking and tools is the abilityRead… Read more »

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The Department of Defense Cloud Computing Strategy

The Department of Defense needs to accomplish its critical global missions despite a decreasing budget and rising cybersecurity threat. To that end, the Chief Information Officer of the DoD, Teri Takai, released its Cloud Computing Strategy, which outlines its goals to accelerate the adoption of cloud computing throughout the department. In the strategy, the OfficeRead… Read more »