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Six Resolutions for Government Leaders

2013 was a historically rough year for federal employees, but 2014 is off to a positive start. First a budget deal is close to being signed, the budget deal would eliminate the threat of shutdown, furloughs and reduce the impacts of sequestration. So how should federal managers prepare for the year ahead? Tom Fox isRead… Read more »

Contractors Take a Financial Hit in 2013 – 2 Ways to Move Forward

85% of government contractors saw either flat or declining budgets in 2013. That staggering statistic is from a new study from Lohfeld Consulting. Sequestration, budget cuts and uncertainty were all contributors to the decline. Lohfeld Consulting’s CEO told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that 2013 was a rough year, but one where if youRead… Read more »

How to get a smart, lean gov – Part Two

Duplication and overlap is rampant in government. With budgets dwindling down more than ever, agencies are looking to cut costs. But collaborating across disciplines is difficult. That’s where the authors of Smart Lean Government come in. They have developed a novel plan for how to reduce billions of dollars in overlapping information technology services governmentwide:Read… Read more »

How to get a smart, lean gov – Part One

“Government is at a crossroad as it attempts to maintain basic citizen and customer services in an increasingly austere environment of “doing more with less”. The Smart Lean Government (SLG) Practical Guide has been developed to guide change agents as they shape and implement 21st century solutions. It highlights what needs to be done toRead… Read more »

Hubble Telescope Zeroes in On Exoplanets for Atmospheric Study

NASA scientists have identified the atmospheres of two planets outside the solar system through the Hubble Space Telescope. The scientists found layers of clouds covering the planets GJ 436b, 36 light-years from Earth, and GJ 1214b, 40 light-years away, NASA said Tuesday. GJ 436b, in the constellation Leo, is described as a “warm Neptune” forRead… Read more »

Looking Forward and Looking Back – New Year News from The Center for the Business Government

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog. The IBM Center for The Business of Government had the privilege of publishing a wide variety of reports about key public sector challenges in 2013, from some of the Nation’s leading thinkers on government management. As 2014Read… Read more »

5 Steps to Modernize Your Data Infrastructure in 2014

Time and again, we have seen how data is driving innovation in government. We are creating troves of data, and the key is having a safe, secure and reliable infrastructure to help you unlock insights from your data. Although data holds great promise to transform your agency, a major obstacle faced by many in governmentRead… Read more »

Listen to the Experts – Best Insights from DorobekINSIDER Live in 2013

The end of the year means two things: setting unrealistic New Year’s resolutions and endless retrospectives. While we can’t force you to put down the cake and pick up a carrot, we can help you do your job better by highlighting some of the biggest and best innovations to come out of government in theRead… Read more »

The Intentional Stack: Technology Choices in Civic Projects

An oft-discussed subject in the civic tech world is the cavernous divide in the underlying technologies used by the private tech sector as opposed to those used by government entities. Some stylized examples: open source vs. proprietary; Ruby on Rails vs. .NET; cloud services like Heroku or Amazon Web Services vs. in-house server hosting; Unix-yRead… Read more »

Tell Us: What’s on Your Organization’s IT Resolutions List for 2014?

Can you believe that it’s already that time of the year when we all start reflecting on the past year, and begin to look forward to 2014? Who knows where the time goes, but things certainly are moving fast. As we look to 2014, what are some things that should be on your IT resolutionsRead… Read more »