Search Results for: cio

Health Care Security is a Fundamental Freedom — Part III

Corporate America Gone Wild! Some opponents of health care reform assert that the Affordable Care Act will result in a lack of personal freedom due to the so-called individual mandate. But what about our freedom from Corporate America gone wild? Freedom from Wall Street conartists. Freedom from bloated barrons of banking. And freedom from theRead… Read more »

Welcome to our newest NCDD members!

We wanted to send a warm welcome out to the newest members of the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation. You can search for and connect with all our new and existing members in the NCDD Members Network. And to all our new members, remember to familiarize yourself with the member benefits page to ensureRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Tech at the Tip of the Spear

United States Special Operations Command has requested a Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation base budget of $427 million for Fiscal Year 2013 to prepare for the challenges of future conflict and to maintain SOCOM’s role a world leading fighting force. In their own words, ”USSOCOM is always interested in new ideas and evolving technologies generatedRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Proposal Mastery: Affecting Proposal Outcomes through Content and Leadership

What separates outstanding proposal managers from mediocre ones is the ability to lead their teams in developing winning content on top of running a smooth process. No matter how compliant and attractive the document may be, most often it is the substance that will distinguish a winning proposal from the rest. Many proposal managers relyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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What the world needs now is Peace, Love and… Political Screaming Matches?

Joan Blades emailed me a few days ago with a link to a new website we weren’t sure made us want to laugh or to cry – I’ve been working with Joan lately (and Amanda Roman, Mary Jacksteit, and Barbara Simonetti) to explore how we might promote and support the launch of Living RoomRead… Read more »

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Is Roz Diane Lasker, MD on your radar screen?

This resource-rich post comes from NCDD member Max Hardy,
 Director of Twyfords
 — a prominent consultancy that works throughout Australia and New Zealand. Max is co-author of the just-published book The Power of Co: The Smart Leaders’ Guide to Collaborative Governance. Is Roz on your radar screen? Leave a comment below to let us know.Read… Read more »

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Deliberative Democracy Around the World

The Kettering Foundation posted the following interviews with Ruby Quantson, a development consultant from Ghana, to their Vimeo channel a couple months ago. They share a specific example of using deliberation to support capacity development efforts of small-scale farmers, look at how public deliberation is being used at the local, national, and international level andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Health Care Security is a Fundamental Freedom — Part I of III

In 21st century America, access to affordable health care for all should be considered a fundamental freedom and a basic human right. Today, more than ever, access to health care is central to one’s attainment of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Yet tens of millions of Americans nationwide, including those with severe andRead… Read more »

Citizens’ Jury Series on the National Debt in San Francisco

Staring July 9th, and running through the month, members of the Mechanics’ Institute Library in San Francisco can take part in a four-part seminar series about the national debt. The series will be moderated and include a combination of expert speakers, issue study, debate and deliberation. The first seminar, July 9th, 2012, will focus onRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Holding Accountability Accountable

“It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.” ~Sir Josiah Stamp For a long time, I have wanted to examine and write on the subject of accountability as it is such a widely used term that it has arguably become cliche. As I researched the termRead… Read more »