Search Results for: cio

Group Decision Tip: Last Minute Decision Making

In principle, the more information we have about something the better decision we’re likely to make about it. And, we’re likely to have the most information at the last minute. Deciding more than we really need to at any given moment can cause regrets later. Practical Tip: Before you start making decisions, think about theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Twitter transparency report released

Twitter released its first Transparency Report highlighting the number of times they received: government requests for user information, government requests to withhold content, and DMCA takedown notices from copyright holders. The report shows that the U.S. government has asked Twitter 679 times to reveal user information since January 2012, followed by Japan with 98 andRead… Read more »

IT Functions of the Future

How IT utility is delivered in the future will be less a technical or technology only decision and more a enterprise strategy. Factors such as Operating Costs (Economics), Mobility, Service Reliability, Flexibility and Risk to the Enterprise will come more into play. This suggests that the backroom strategy topic of organizational design will play anRead… Read more »

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A Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture – Actionable Solutions

The recent “Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture” (US Executive Office of the President, May 2 2012) is extremely timely and well-organized guidance for the Federal IT investment and deployment community, as useful for Federal Departments and Agencies as it is for their stakeholders and integration partners. The guidance not only helps IT Program PlannersRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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To Hash or Not to Hash? A Decision Making Guide

Using a decision-making flowchart, this post helps people determine whether they should include one or more hashtags in their tweets. This guidance is offered as an extension of the recent post, 6 Tips to Avoid Making a Hash of Twitter Hashtags. The post also provides links to additional resources that enable both rookie and moreRead… Read more »

Submission to Bullying Inquiry : The Totalitarian Practices of Corporate Human Resources

The Australian bullying recently announced an inquiry into workplace bullying. The public service should be leading the way in putting a stop to workplace bullying. Sadly, the reality is that there is a gap between what is espoused and what actually happens in the Australian Public Service. Ticking the boxes on administrative processes is notRead… Read more »

You can’t repossess my memories

Standing around outside our office chatting the other day I was explaining about not owning many things. Now I didn’t mean that in the sense of clothes, shoes or handbags. I am a girl. No. I meant it in terms of the fact that moving house was a simple affair, being as how it involvedRead… Read more »

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NCDD Seattle session app deadline extended until July 10

A bunch of folks have asked for more time to work on their session proposals for the 2012 NCDD conference in Seattle. We decided to extend the deadline for proposals until July 10th (today was the original deadline) to give everybody a bit more time. If you’re working on a proposal and you can getRead… Read more »

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Weekly Round-up: June 29, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Wil workplaces become more gray-friendly? Andrew Krzmarzick asks “What If the Workplace Had More 70-Somethings? Because It Will…” and goes on to list some of the important issues that the changing demographics of the workplace raise. Quite a few people respond. EPA’s Got (new e-) Mail. In the same week that Nora EphronRead… Read more »

Chicago Mayor creates Office of Public Engagement

Interesting public engagement news out of Chicago this week. From the Chicago Sun-Times (June 23rd)… Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced Saturday the creation of the Office of Public Engagement, which is designed to connect residents to city resources. Felicia Davis, the mayor’s Deputy Chief of Staff, will head the new office. The department will work withRead… Read more »

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