Search Results for: research

Questions about your work in red-blue dialogue

Here’s a thoughtful message and some great questions from Jacob Hess, one of our two featured speakers on next Wednesday’s confab call on red-blue dialogue. See the full description of the confab, and register here if you’d like to join us. We’re excited that 110 people have already signed up! Rush Limbaugh taught me, inRead… Read more »

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How Radical Connectivity Is Changing the Way Government Operates

“You hear people talk about the impact of the internet or mobile phones or social media but none of those words really capture what is going on. People today have enormous amounts of power in their phones, they are also connected to the internet at all times and that has real cascade ramifications in aRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 10, 2013

This post has been updated to include Dan Chenok’s contribution. Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week has seen a lot of stories about Data–Big, Open, and Social. Ordering Open: Steven VanRoekel and Todd Park discuss the executive order “Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information Interesting data on social media for civic leaders.Read… Read more »

Letters To A Young Scientist

Have you ever been called to give advice to someone just starting their career? Heck, have you ever considered giving yourself a career checkup? Letters To A Young Scientist by Pulitzer Prize winning author Edward O. Wilson is a delight. Twenty one “letters” (actually each is more focused than a letter, how about a greatRead… Read more »

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America’s Got Talent

Public Service Recognition Week recognizes a lot of hidden talent across the government. But is that talent always available when the government needs it? Sometimes, it is. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen was superb at handling big, complex challenges that reach across agency boundaries. He led the evacuation of lower Manhattan during 9/11. He tookRead… Read more »

The Dalai Lama and You: How Teachings of Humanity Fit into Government

Today I had the privilege to attend the Sadat Lecture for Peace hosted at the University of Maryland (UMD), College Park. The Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development, named for Egypt’s past president, the late Anwar El-Sadat, has organized these lectures since 1997 to promote leadership in the mission to gain peace. Past lecturesRead… Read more »

GSA pilot program revolutionizes the personal office, Malware now spreads mostly through tainted websites and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. GSA pilot program revolutionizes the personal office – The GSA is using hoteling to allow employees to reserve office space when they need it. Users can reserve conference rooms, cubicles or group work spaces. GSA is implementing hoteling to maximize theRead… Read more »

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A guide to Rooting your Android phone

By Ryan Kamauff One of the constant discussions between Android users is why/if you should “root.” Rooting is a term that describes the ability to grant programs “superuser” access. This allows programs to operate at the root level of the operating system, enabling full phone backups, changing certain parameters (CPU/GPU speeds) and changing the entireRead… Read more »

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After Boston: Terrorism and the Technology Gap

By Bryan Ware The Boston Marathon bombing, subsequent manhunt and current investigation are unprecedented – not only due to the nature of the attack but because of how much information has been available to law enforcement, the public and the suspects. Unlike any previous large-scale attack, data came in at a staggering velocity within secondsRead… Read more »

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