Search Results for: personal brand

Transforming the Federal Citizen Experience

How do we reach more citizens and get them to truly engage with our services? That’s the question on nearly every government leader’s mind as they confront a changing technology landscape and new customer demands. At this morning’s Digital Engagement Breakfast, Natalie Fedie, VP of Client Success and Professional Services at GovDelivery, offered a few answers for how agenciesRead… Read more »

Outdoor Lovers Flock to The Nature Conservancy

Digital marketing is constantly changing, and to keep pace we’re always researching trends and noting best practices. “Inbound marketing,” a relatively new marketing approach, is gaining popularity because it is cost effective, efficient, and mutually beneficial to organizations and their audiences. It is about drawing people in through quality content and multi-channel engagement, and moving them steadilyRead… Read more »

Whip-Smart Back to School Citizen Engagement Campaigns

Many Americans are really stressed about one thing right now, and that’s back to school. With about 70 million students expected in kindergarten through college in Fall 2015, everyone’s paying attention to back-to-school messages. Now’s the time to talk to your audiences about how your agency can help them during this hectic period. School administrators and teachers are looking forRead… Read more »

10 Skills You Need for the Job Market

Last week, we discussed tips to land a last minute Fall position. If you’re still trying to find a job or internship, or even if you already have one, it’s important to make sure you’re equipping yourself with the necessary skills for the job market. According to the 2015 Millennial Majority Workforce Study, hiring managersRead… Read more »

Why We Just Can’t Agree On “Alphabet”

A question about why Google would defocus attention from their tremendously valuable name and initiate a whole new one prompted me to write a blog post yesterday and some additional thoughts today. Here’s the original question on Quora with a link to all the current answers. For the convenience of my fellow “brand geeks,” please see the follow-upRead… Read more »

5 Benefits of Social Media for Teamwork

What do you think of first when someone says social media? Is it brand awareness or customer service? Is it Facebook or Twitter? But, do you think of TEAMWORK?   Teamwork might be a term that is often tossed casually into the modern business discourse. We speak of teamwork in terms of leadership, employees’ engagement,Read… Read more »

Technology Advances a Smart City

Cisco, Qualcomm, Intel, SAP, and IBM have “Smart City” programs that promise to solve urban problems, involve citizens, conserve energy, and launch cities into a new “digital” future. Their marketing and technology expertise would have us believe that no city could run faster, better, and cheaper without more technology. Cisco has committed to create aRead… Read more »