Search Results for: cio

Moving Forward with Innovation by Looking Back

Most organizations have their unfortunate history of major initiatives thrust on them by well-meaning executives and zealous consultants: total quality, six sigma, employee engagement, knowledge management, and other fads. While all can have their value, the reality of a sudden change in direction – “something completely different” – is a huge leap that often failsRead… Read more »

New Energy Chief Information Officer, A New Cybersecurity National Lab, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Department of Energy has named its former Deputy Chief Information Officer Bob Brese as the new CIO. More here. The National Security Agency will not reveal how many Americans had their communications monitored to senators out of privacy concerns. More here. The U.S. Computer EmergencyRead… Read more »

11 Unintended Consequences Of Government Executive Disclosure Act

Legislation intended to deter members of Congress from profiting from stock trades based on inside information is inadvertently forcing 28,000 federal employees to expose their personal financial information on the Internet. The result, according to a trade group for senior government executives, is a number of unintended risks that federal employees must now bear, andRead… Read more »

Group Decision Tip: Putting People in Boxes Is Not Okay

In principle, when we look at people in certain ways, place labels on them, or “put them in boxes,” it limits what they have to offer. It is especially tempting to “contain” those who disagree with us. We’re tempted to ignore our adversaries, work around them, wall them off, shut them down. These techniques mightRead… Read more »

Agencies Use Contests to Encourage Mobile Innovations

The Department of Health and Human Services is the latest federal agency to tap the creativity of the marketplace by running a contest to find the best products for their emergency preparedness apps. HHS used a tool that is increasingly being relied upon by agencies to find the best mobile solutions, get the work doneRead… Read more »

Remembering 10 years of NCDD-ing

I’m getting ready to “celebrate” my 40th birthday tomorrow. We launched the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation when I was 30, so this is a big birthday year for both me and NCDD. Now that NCDD is ten years old, and we’re about to hold our 5th national conference this fall, Andy and IRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Learn the keys to developing your agency’s cyber workforce

Today’s threat landscape is a dynamic collage of cyber exploits perpetrated by sophisticated and agile crime syndicates, religious and political groups, and others with malicious intent. The organizational victims of stealth cyber warfare-commercial companies and government agencies-must fortify their traditional technology-based defenses in order to effectively combat this pervasive and constantly evolving threat. The battlefieldRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Start-ups and Local Government, a Match Made in Heaven?

As I’ve come to realize, government and industry play an important role in supporting each other. There are many emerging technologies — see graphene — which without government investment in commercializing the technology, may never make it out of the research labs. Government Chief Information, Innovation, and Technology Officers have come to realize this, asRead… Read more »

Book Club Week 2: Three Models of Democratic Deliberation

Below is the chapter summary by Juli Fellows of Noelle McAfee’s chapter of our summer book club book, Democratizing Deliberation. Read over the summary and add your own reflections and questions below — and check out last week’s great discussion here if you missed it. Hi, everyone! This is Juli Fellows, from Austin. I’m anRead… Read more »

Dialogue Mapping Workshop – Aug 23-24, Napa CA USA

CogNexus Institute invites NCDD members to take part in their Dialogue Mapping Workshop in Napa, CA later this summer on Aug 23rd and 24th. Led by Dr. Jeff Conklin, author of the book Dialogue Mapping: Building Shared Understanding of Wicked Problems, the workshop will introduce managers, project leaders, facilitators, and consultants to the skill ofRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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