Search Results for: research

How can federal agencies move forward in a Postdigital Era with the Tech Trends 2013?

Many of us may know that some of the federal agencies and its leaders are facing challenges in today’s economy. Innovation has been identified to be a key change agent when facing these obstacles. Can these agencies embrace innovative technology to better meet their missions? The answer is YES, we currently see many federal leadersRead… Read more »


Nearly a year ago, the federal government relaeased its Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People report. In that document, government officials set progressive and aggressive deadlines to keep digital government moving in a more citizen-centric direction. Those deadlines should come to fruition on May 23, 2013. As theRead… Read more »

Are Big Data and Cybersecurity a Perfect Match? Plus Your Weekend Reads!

We all know by now that cyberspace is the next frontier and that attacks are getting more sophisticated and effective. But the key to keeping your network may be big data. Teradata and Ponemon Institute have looked at the results in their report: Big Data Analytics in Cyber Defense. Sam Harris the Director of EnterpriseRead… Read more »

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Are Minimum Wage Increases Really Affordable?

This one comes to us from today’s headlines of today’s USDoL Newsletter… The full text of these findings are quite interesting: Opinion Poll: Small Businesses Support Increasing Minimum And how would this bottom-up stimulus effect Govies? How many of us feel like they we have “more purchasing power” these days? Would this type of increaseRead… Read more »

Sequester Day 56 – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The best way to maximize performance is to make data based decisions. But that process is easier said than done…or is it? We get real examples from Federal Management Partner’s – John Salamone. But up front: Sequestration Day 56 Sequester hits Boston terror trial — David Nather—The Massachusetts public defender’s office,Read… Read more »

Fixmo Collaborates with U.S. Air Force to Enable Strategic Mobility on Apple iOS and Android Devices

By Bob Gourley I’ve written before about how proud I am to be associated with Fixmo. As an advisor to them I’ve been excited to see first hand the hard work and focused engineering they are putting into solutions with an ability to scale to Internet size. To date, some of the most exciting newsRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

New Sensation with Rob Caballero, Willamette University MBA

Since ELGL is not a big fan of icebreakers and since we would rather not know what animal you want to be, this blog feature will serve as a means of introducing new members. While you won’t learn about their favorite animal, you will learn about their ideal Sunday morning, which dead people would theyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

NASA Hopes Smartphones Can Help Satellites Orbit Earth

An Orbital Science rocket carrying three smartphones lifted into space Sunday as NASA seeks to determine if the devices could function as flight avionics on a satellite. NASA intends for the PhoneSat spacecraft to send information on the phones’ health back to Earth for the agency determine if they can function as satellites, NASA saidRead… Read more »

New Sensation with Melanie Cutler, Oregon Department of Revenue

Since ELGL is not a big fan of icebreakers and since we would rather not know what animal you want to be, this blog feature will serve as a means of introducing new members. While you won’t learn about their favorite animal, you will learn about their ideal Sunday morning, which dead people would theyRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized