Search Results for: cio

Teaching Drones to Work Together, $50,000 for Illegal Access to Energy Supercomputer, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The United States Air Force Academy Cooperative Technologies for Unmanned Systems research program seeks ways to combine data from multiple unmanned aircraft to collaboratively track targets. More here. A New Zealand High Court ordered the Federal Bureau of Investigation to copy the 150 terabytes of dataRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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GovBytes: Cities Unite for Planning Nationwide Data Portal

It appears that big developments in local open government stemming from high level planning between major US cities that has been in the works since 2009 could be bearing fruit within the next few months. A partnership of IT executives from Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco — known asRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: June 15, 2012

The Round-up welcomes its newest contributor, Michael Keegan. Also: due to vacations at the Center, the next round-up will be posted on June 29. Gadi Ben-Yehuda Gov 2.0 in Cities and States: On Govfresh, Luke Fretwell interviews Jonathan Reichental, CIO of Palo Alto, asking him about his “‘digital city’ vision.” Matthew Hall writes in CivicRead… Read more »

Here is the Half Truth: Executives Don’t Know What is Going On

She says, he says An article in the Washington Post of June 13 titled “Ex-loan officer claims Wells Fargo targeted black communities for shoddy loans” includes a number of “he said, she said” claims. In this case “she” is Beth Jacobson, who worked as a loan officer for Wells Fargo. Amongst other things she claimsRead… Read more »

Call for Proposals for NCDD Seattle!

In case you haven’t heard, NCDD is holding a national conference for civic innovators this October 12-14 in Seattle. NCDD conferences bring together hundreds of the most active, thoughtful, and influential people involved in public engagement and group process work across the U.S. and Canada. Imagine spending three days with some of the most amazingRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Carolyn Lukensmeyer to direct National Institute for Civil Discourse, transition from AmericaSpeaks

It’s official… Carolyn Lukensmeyer — who we all know as founder and president of AmericaSpeaks — is moving on to a new role. She’ll be serving as Executive Director of the University of Arizona-based National Institute for Civil Discourse. Carolyn gave me a call yesterday with a heads-up about today’s big announcement, and said whenRead… Read more »

How one fed created a free tax service and a step by step guide to agency innovation

On today’s DorobekINSIDER How one feds helped millions of low income residents get their tax returns completed. The amazing work has made him a Service to America Award Medal Finalist. The Sammies — the oscars for feds. you’ll meet him. Click here for the full story. A step by step guide to making your agencyRead… Read more »

Our goals and theme for NCDD Seattle…

NCDD conferences are known for being innovative and highly participatory. We focus on providing participants with opportunities to network with colleagues, experience innovative group methods, and explore key challenges in our field together. At the 2012 National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation this October 12-14 in Seattle, we plan to focus on the importance ofRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Call for Sample Ordinances on Public Engagement

Mike McGrath from the National Civic League posted this on the NCDD LinkedIn group yesterday, and Matt Leighninger of the Deliberative Democracy Consortium posted this to the NCDD Discussion listserv today… (Also be sure to check out our resource on this topic at (including a great compilation of legal frameworks shared on an NCDDRead… Read more »

The folly of stretch goals and is a government reboot necessary?

On Today’s DorobekINSIDER Stretch goals — you might be able to guess what they are, but do they work? Click here for the full story. Government needs a reboot. That’s what Mario Morino says. He is one of the keynotes at GovLoop’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit coming up next month, and we’ll talkRead… Read more »