Search Results for: cio

Agencies Developing More Comprehensive Mobile Strategies and Policies

Monica Mayk Parham, Marketing Director, Market Connections, Inc. The rise of mobile technology in the government sector has allowed government employees to be more nimble and effective. Though with increased mobility comes greater challenges for those in charge of implementing mobile applications, such as Roger Baker, CIO at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). TheRead… Read more »

Theory X Software Project Managers

I’m going to make a very specific case today. Let’s review the Theory X / Theory Y models, knowing full well they are just models. There is no purely Theory X or Theory Y manager. Theory X Assumes project team members: are lazy by default will avoid work if they can inherently dislike work willRead… Read more »

6 Pitfalls to Workforce Planning: The Fourth Pitfall

We’ve talked about the first three Pitfalls. Now it’s time to share a tough one… Pitfall No. 4: Translating Plans into Business Lingo. Workforce Planning is characterized by two components, the human side and the business side. We’ve talked a bit about the human side but it’s the business side that launches the Plan! MarkRead… Read more »

The Strongest Tribe: Issues of power in cyberspace

Mikko Hypponen has a mea culpa about Flame that is worth reading. The F-Secure chief believes that antivirus companies, including his own, failed to detect Flame and that this failure has broader implications: The truth is, consumer-grade antivirus products can’t protect against targeted malware created by well-resourced nation-states with bulging budgets. They can protect youRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: the federal workforce is shrinking

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday the 4th of June, 2012 Unemployment among new veterans is on the rise. The Department of Veterans Affairs says one in eight, post 9-11 veterans are looking for work. That’s a 3 percent increase in a month. Veterans Affairs said monthly swings are normal. But thereRead… Read more »

How Cyberpunk Killed Cybersecurity

This post is cowritten by AdamElkus and Alex Olesker. Before we begin, please understand just how hard it is for us to write this blog. I’ve read Neuromancer countless times, enthusiastically used Snow Crash in undergrad to talk about the future of international relations, and watched both Ghost in the Shell movies and the StandRead… Read more »

Publishing Government Data That Developers Will Actually Use

Despite increasing public support (as well as a number of executive mandates) publishing public data in a machine-readable format is not as simple as pressing the “publish” button. Why? Equally important as exposing the information itself is fostering a vibrant developer ecosystem around it. By making the publishing agency, not the public, responsible for makingRead… Read more »

Facebook’s new roles for pages

Facebook has introduced new roles for pages (see graphic). The manager of a page can assign the following roles: Content Creator Moderator Advertiser Insight Analyst What is unclear to me is that the manager of the page does not have the same rights as the other roles and is not able to create content, editsRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: June 01, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Who’s Online and What Are They Doing? The Next Web reports on an IAB Europe study finding that 427 million Europeans are now online, and 37% uses more than one device. Meanwhile, The HowTo.Gov blog writes about how all internet users spend thier time online: 22% on social networking, 21% on searches, andRead… Read more »