Search Results for: Cloud

Service as a service

Not long ago, staying in Cornwall entailed giving up on most modern forms of communication. This summer, the house we have rented there for the last few years had sprouted broadband. Not very fast broadband, admittedly, but a big improvement on no broadband at all- and it’s just there, no fuss, no charge. Back inRead… Read more »

Shared service delivery: 4 tactics from the private sector

This blog post was written by my colleague John Weigelt. You can read more of his posts here. Governments everywhere are looking for opportunities to do more with less. One approach is to create a shared services organization so services can be consolidated across departments or agencies (the city of Frankfurt is a good example).Read… Read more »

LGS Inc. Launches The PermitLogix team has combined web management and mapping technologies to bring an easy to use service for all local government development permit and application requirements. We have truly created a product for the Gov. 2.0 era. In 2010, LGS Inc. successfully launched the Local Information Utility Cloud GIS for smallRead… Read more »

Looming Gov Shutdown – Are You Ready? 4 Ways to Prepare

7 days. That’s how long the government has before it runs out of money. Depending on which article you read, the Congress is either preparing a last minute stopgap spending measure to avert the shutdown or the political divide is too great and a shutdown is inevitable. If that is the case, it would beRead… Read more »

Creating Resilient Security for Today’s World

Regardless if agencies are adopting cloud, mobile, data storage, or cybersecurity initiatives – agencies are facing increasing pressures to leverage new and emerging technology safely and securely. That’s why I am excited to attend the Symantec Government Symposium on October 2nd at the Walter E Washington Convention Center. The event brings together leading global ITRead… Read more »

MOOS Project Viewer 3.1 Integrates With Google Drive Storage Service

Stand By Soft is pleased to announce the release of MOOS Project Viewer version 3.1. The major feature in this version is the integration with Google DriveTM. Users can now also open Microsoft Project files that are stored on a Google Drive account and not just local files from their computers. The biggest advantage ofRead… Read more »

The Transformative Power of GIS – Your GIS Cheat Sheet

In today’s world, we are surrounded by data. Data powers everything we do– the decisions we make and the services we use. Now is the time to institute a data-driven culture and mapping data to strategic mission driven decisions, like Bob Dylan said, “You better start swimming or else you’ll sink like a stone.” TheRead… Read more »

It’s Sesame Street Simple – 6 Tips to Improve Your Agency

We’ve all watched Sesame Street at some point in our lives. Every day during the show, the puppets express a simple and achievable lesson that each of the kids watching can take home with them. Oftentimes the lessons are about patience, perseverance, forgiveness and honor. Those sound like pretty good lessons for anybody, not justRead… Read more »

BIG PICTURES: How pictures make Facebook posts fly (and where to get them)

How much difference does it make to add a picture to a Facebook update? Lots. Or to be more precise 147 per cent. That was the figure when we posted two updates within minutes on a broadly similar subject. The first celebrated a Britain in Bloom win for towns in Walsall Council’s boundaries with aRead… Read more »

Engaging Youth in #Democracy Abroad – Plus your weekend reads

“One in five people living in the Middle East and North Africa are under the age of 24. 60% of people across the globe are under the age of 30. 65% in the middle east and north africa are under the age of 35. This is not only the future, but it is a demographicRead… Read more »