Search Results for: cio

New Crowdfunded Project in Eugene — Let’s Talk: Our New Economy

In Eugene, Oregon, the Co-Intelligence Institute is engineering a community-focused process to increase local capacity for healthy, creative group dialogue. By combining trainings and workshops with a series of dialogues around a substantive issue — in this case, the economy — we plan to demonstrate the generative power of group process even as we stimulateRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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DorobekINSIDER: 7 stories you need to know: The federal pay debate is back

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 16th of May, 2012 The federal pay debate is back in the headlines — this time it’s centered on your bonuses. The Office of Personnel Management says the federal government paid at least $439 million in employee bonuses last year— that’s down $43 million sinceRead… Read more »

EEOC: Big IT lesson in cost savings from small agency

Riddle me this: How does a small independent federal agency like EEOC — facing a 15% IT budget cut — successfully negotiate a 30% cost savings with telecom giant Verizon for continued Blackberry use agency-wide? Moreover, can your agency emulate this example? Federal Times tells the story of an IT cost savings lesson learned inRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Efficiency sucks. What we need is good work

Efficiency is the path to bigger profits. Efficiency is good. Everyone needs to be efficient. Right? Wrong! Efficiency sucks! For knowledge workers – you and me – the case against efficiency is overwhelming. ‘Efficiency’ is one of the weasel-words of management-speak, constantly misused and we are all worse off for this. In an effort toRead… Read more »

The Politics of Capitulation

Capitulate: to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms; to give up resistance. When it comes to surrender, just the thought of it is chilling to a political leader on the campaign trail. Campaigns are the closest thing to war most operatives and candidates will ever experience and for the majority, they approach it with theRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 Stories you need to know: Defense contractors join the Pentagon’s cyber-defense strategy

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Tuesday the 15th of May, 2012 The Pentagon predicts that as many as 1,000 defense contractors may join a voluntary effort to share classified information on cyber threats under an expansion of a first-ever initiative to protect computer networks. BusinessWeek reports that the program comes after aRead… Read more » Is A New Interactive Community Helping Teens Launch Startups

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, or NFTE, an international non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring young people from low-income communities to stay in school and recognize business opportunities, just launched, an new interactive web community that gives teens the tools and knowledge needed to help turn their interests and hobbiesRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

Domestic Drone Policy, Federal Telework, and More

Today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Pilots, aircraft manufacturers, and privacy groups ask the Federal Aviation Administration to ensure drones could not be hijacked or jammed and that they would not cause problems for manned aircraft before it allows their widespread domestic use. More here. Department of Homeland Security Chief Information Officer Richard SpiresRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

The Sequel to Mythbusters in Government Contracting – Another Step Forward

This item was also posted on the Business of Government Blog by Dan Chenok. Last week, the Office of Management and Budget’s Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OMB/OFPP) issued the second memorandum designed to debunk misperceptions about what is and is not permitted in agency-industry communications about pending and future contracts. This sequel memo focusesRead… Read more »