Search Results for: Employee Recognition

4 Things I’ve Learned from “Murder She Wrote”

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I’ve been captivated by the antics and misadventures of Murder, She Wrote’s protagonist, Jessica Fletcher. Dame Angela Lansbury, the actress behind the widowed bestselling mystery writer, keeps it real at every point of the series, which ran twelve seasons from 1984-1996. (So it’s just a littleRead… Read more »

Public Servants, Are You Ready to Feel the Love?

One week a year, extra effort goes into making sure that more Americans learn about the awesome people who work in public service. This celebration happens during Public Service Recognition Week from May 3–9, 2015 and honors federal, state, county and local government employees. Across the nation there will be acts of appreciation, special events, media attention, and a social media storm. While publicRead… Read more »

Innovation: What The Feds Think

Innovation is a big buzzword all over the business world. It’s taken off in the private sector, with companies such as Apple or Tesla constantly pushing boundaries in terms of creativity and delivery. In these organizations, there is a culture of innovation, where it is encouraged and rewarded. But what about the public sector? WhatRead… Read more »

Calling All Writers: Become a GovLoop Featured Blogger

The details: We’re looking for 15 (or more!) great GovLoop voices to blog once a week for the GovLoop community for three months starting in late April. We want you to write about subjects you think are important — from experiences at your agency, to the way big data is impacting your job, to tips… Read more »

MCS, ‘Canaries’, and the Workplace: What They Might Mean To You

Confession time! I’m a canary, of sorts. No, I do not sing like one. (In fact, during school assemblies, I was told to lip-sync, for the sake of everyone present!) — Like an estimated 15% of Americans, I am highly sensitive to many common chemicals found in offices, homes, and retail establishments. – Why amRead… Read more »

Why I’m Excited About President Obama’s TechHire Program

In case you missed it, this week President Obama launched the TechHire Initiative. Funded through the Department of Labor, TechHire is an ambitious effort that makes $100 million available in grants to train workers for technology related jobs. “TechHire is a bold multi-sector effort and call to action to empower Americans with the skills they need,Read… Read more »

Beyond Vanilla In Government Communication: Is It Desirable? Is It Possible?

This week I had the good fortune to attend an event on social media strategy in the federal government. Even the most cursory review of the agenda made it clear: this form of communication has officially “arrived.” The event was: Sponsored by the well-respected Federal Communicators Network, which was established 19 years ago by theRead… Read more »

The Rise of the Millennials

It was not the lead headline on local news feeds and barely made a ripple in the national press. Yet last month, at least according to the US Census Bureau, millennials, 75.3 million strong are now the country’s largest generation outnumbering Boomers who slipped to second place among generations at 74.9 million. While most ofRead… Read more »

Heritage Months: Temporary Celebrations or Yearly Discussions

As feds, we are entering the heritage month season. January brought Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. February has ushered in Black History Month and March will soon deliver Women’s History Month. In my conversations with employees about these events, I sense a malaise has seeped into these celebrations that dilute their effectiveness in promotingRead… Read more »