Search Results for: cio

So You Survived The Job Cuts – A Survivor’s Guide

What a rough past month it has been for public servants from across Canada. All told, around 12,000 notices have gone out to public servants represented by the Public Service Commission. Personally, I am unaffected by the recent job cuts. During these tough times, it is hard to not feel survivor’s guilt as the processRead… Read more »

Public Service Recognition Week: A look back at the highs and lows of the Secret Service

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 GovLoop Insights 

Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek… where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we work to find an issue that will also will have an impact on the days, weeks and monthsRead… Read more »

Jennifer Pahlka: Coding a Better Government

Jennifer Pahlka of Code for America has a brilliant TED discussion. Can government be run like the Internet, permissionless and open? Coder and activist Jennifer Pahlka believes it can — and that apps, built quickly and cheaply, are a powerful new way to connect citizens to their governments — and their neighbors. Filed under: Bureaucracy,Read… Read more »

Big Data: Are You Ready?

We love buzz words in government. Cloud, SOA, and now Big Data. There is certainly a lot of hype around the buzz. “Keeping Afloat in a Sea of ‘Big Data”, ITBusinessEdge, “The promise of Big Data” Intelligent Utility, and “The challenge-and opportunity-of big data” are just a few of the headlines contributing to the bigRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


3 Ways Machine-to-Machine Tech Can Assist Governments

This is a great article on Government M2M Solutions – * Let’s start a conversation…..Is your organization currently using or looking into leveraging M2M Solutions to solve business challenges? * If so…what is the problem you are trying to solve and what kind of M2M technology are you using to solve it? * What doRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Kindergarteners to get iPads for School Use

There is little doubt that new technology is helping make some adults more productive — while killing the productivity of others. But could teaching children to use technology such as iPads starting as young as Kindergarten help them develop into productive tech users, or will it create a life of technology addiction? An elementary schoolRead… Read more »

The 3 V’s of big data — What are they and how do they impact you?

Big data it’s the new buzz word taking over government. But what is it? How should you prepare your agency to harness its powers?
 Thor Olavsrud is a senior writer at CIO. He’s outlined the role of big data with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program.

 Olavsrud says there are 3 V’s to bidRead… Read more »

Maxwell School to offer #electionclass on social media during 2012 presidential campaign

Reposted from the Maxwell School’s official press release: In the lead-up to a presidential campaign that promises to capitalize on the internet more than any previous election, a class at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School will allow graduate students to study the role of social media in campaigns and government. In the fall semester, Assistant ProfessorRead… Read more »

Free copy of Democratizing Deliberation for all Book Club members!

Here’s one more reason to sign up for NCDD’s first online book club… the Kettering Foundation wants to send a free copy of Democratizing Deliberation to all book club members! Sign up at today if you haven’t already. Democratizing Deliberation: A Political Theory Anthology presents cutting-edge political theory on deliberative democracy. Edited by DerekRead… Read more »

America’s coolest mayor: John Fretterman is redefining public service motivation IMH!

I watched this amazing video by director Morgan Spurlock (you know the “Supersize Me” guy) on yesterday and was really inspired: Morgan followed John Fretterman, mayor of zip code 15104, Braddock, PA, for a day and showed the daily efforts to revive a town: Mr. Fretterman, a graduate from Harvard’s Kennedy School MPP programRead… Read more »