Search Results for: cio

MYTHS & FACTS: Federal Sector EEO Process

Background: Some recent commentary and conjecture have taken aim at the federal sector equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaint process. Following are facts to aid in demystifying the “myths”: MYTH: Discrimination is found in less than 2 percent of EEO complaints. FACT: Discrimination may occur in up to 33 percent of EEO cases. The 2-3 percentRead… Read more »

ECPR Summer course on Deliberative Polls and Deliberation

I got a nice message yesterday from Robert Luskin at the University of Texas at Austin, asking me to pass along the following announcement to the NCDD network. Bob has worked with Jim Fishkin on Deliberative Polling projects for many years, for those not familiar with the name. I’ll be offering a one-week course onRead… Read more »

Vallejo (CA) approves first city-wide PB process in U.S.

I saw this on the Participatory Budgeting Project website and thought I’d mention it here as well. Looks like Vallejo, California just approved the first city-wide participatory budgeting process in the US! Residents will decide how to spend around $3 million from new sales tax revenue. The April 20, 2012 article about this in theRead… Read more »

Cities and States Not Prepared for Cyber Attacks, FBI Surveillance Backdoors, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The State Department‘s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs plans to provide the Mexican Public Security Secretariat with the Mexico Technical Surveillance System to intercept and analyze communications. More here. In the National Preparedness Report released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency found thatRead… Read more »

My LRC Review of “When the Gods Changed” and other recommended weekend readings

This week, the Literary Review of Canada published my and Taylor Owen’s review of When the Gods Changed: The Death of Liberal Canada by Peter C. Newman. For non-Canadians Peter Newman is pretty much a legend when it comes to covering Canadian history and politics, he was editor of the country’s largest newspaper and mainRead… Read more »

CTO Security Weekly

Notcompatible Android Security Buzz: This week a new malware package for Android managed to spark the internet intrest in the security of the Android mobile computing platform. The new malware, dubbed “Notcompatible” is limited in scope and vector — it is installed via user interaction and can only be installed on those phones which theRead… Read more »


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Community Blog

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Frontiers of Democracy II set for July 19-21 at Tufts

Both in the U.S. and around the world we find ourselves in a dramatic period of civic awakening. We know this work and ideas under different names: public engagement, deliberative and participatory democracy, collaborative governance, educating for democracy and civic learning, public work, building social capital, and strengthening democracy. We promote it using diverse means;Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 04, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda You Had Me at “Sociocultural.” Here’s a report showing how the DoD is using social media to engage with foreign populations. The title alone is worth reading: “Sociocultural Behavior Research and Engineering in the Department of Defense Context“ From Brasilia to LA. Two summations worth your time: of the Open Government Partnership inRead… Read more »