Search Results for: research

Snowquester takes hold: Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

The DorobekINSIDER Sequestration reader: Day 5 — Snowquestration Sequestration is here, and it’s here to stay for at least a little while. And this new reality has created some major management challenges for government leaders. So how do you manage through the uncertainty? Insights from the Partnership for Public Service. The DorobekINSIDER Sequestration reader: DayRead… Read more »

60 days of hacker assaults, GSA will stop recruiting cloud security testers until the fall and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. 60 Days of Hacker Assaults – The first 60 days of 2013 have been marked by some serious security breaches. Twitter, Apple and Facebook all were targeted, along with the State Department, Federal Reserve and US Department of Energy. One firm,Read… Read more »

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New Public Administration Review article out: A Three-Stage Adoption Process for Social Media Use in Government

Together with my co-author Professor Stuart Bretschneider I wrote an article that was just published for early view by Public Administration Review (PAR). In this article, we develop a model of social adoption in the public sector. Here is the abstract: Social media applications are slowly diffusing across all levels of government. The organizational dynamicsRead… Read more »

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How to tackle the job search without the stress

Scouring the marketplace for a new job is stressful under the best of circumstances but you can also turn it into an opportunity. You can take this time to not only improve your job situation but also to improve other aspects of your life, if you can utilize this exciting time without getting overwhelmed byRead… Read more »

Obama tags EPA, OMB and DoE heads, DHS 3.0 has cybersecurity as a top priority and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Obama makes three major personnel announcements – President Obama has announced the heads of three organizations, the OMB, the Department of Energy and the EPA. All of them have extensive experience in the government, specifically in organizations. Via FedScoop, more here.Read… Read more »

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03.05.13 Your Morning Buzz

OSU athletics: Rebranding didn’t stray too far from tradition Welcome Newest Members Corporate Member: Ben Patinkin, President, Patinkin Research Strategies Ben Patinkin, founder and President of Patinkin Research Strategies, has over a decade of experience providing research and strategic consulting for Democratic candidates, labor unions, conservation groups, issue advocacy campaigns and corporations. A graduate ofRead… Read more »

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TASC has been a great firm for as long as I can remember and now the greatness continues with a new CTO

By Bob Gourley With this post I would like to share some great news I read about TASC. They have just hired a fantastic enterprise technology/mission-focused thinker, Dr. Keith Littlefield, to be their CTO. Here is the story from the TASC press release: March 4, 2013 TASC Names Dr. Keith Littlefield Chief Technology Officer NGARead… Read more »

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White House on unlocking smartphones, iWatch details and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top mobile news and stories of the day. The White House responds: phones and tablets should be unlockable – After the Library of Congress stated that (carrier) unlocking your smartphone would be illegal, a petition to the White House was heard, and the FCC will be investigating the legalityRead… Read more »

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Sequester Day 3 – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Budget cuts, scandals and travel restrictions have caused the General Service Administration to cancel their 2013 Expo. We talk with Larry Allen about the impacts of the cancelled conference. Click here for the full recap. The DorobekINSIDER sequestration reader: Day 3 Unlike the government shutdowns during the Clinton years, nothing muchRead… Read more »

03.04.13 Your Morning Buzz

Rose City Yarn Crawl fills 18 Portland-area knitting shops Welcome Newest Members Corporate Member: Ben Patinkin, President, Patinkin Research Strategies Ben Patinkin, founder and President of Patinkin Research Strategies, has over a decade of experience providing research and strategic consulting for Democratic candidates, labor unions, conservation groups, issue advocacy campaigns and corporations. A graduate ofRead… Read more »

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