Search Results for: cio

Cyber Villains: A Ploy to Destroy Our Trust

I am at the Chicago Federal Executive Board today where I spoke on “The State of Social Media in Government” (I’ll post my slides later). The other speaker was Special Agent Peter Traven from the FBI who spoke under the title “Cyber Threats for the Federal Community.” Specifically, he focused on the issue of trustRead… Read more »

Checking in on the DoD Networks with Rob Carey, Hacking with a purpose at NASA and HUD makes training more effective

Carey, Skytland and Cohen by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Thursday April 19th, 2012: The DoD networks — Deputy CIO Rob Carey walks us through the power, technology, acquisition and budgeting of the DoD network. NASA is trying to harness the world’s hacking power for good. It’s part of its International Space Apps Challenge.Read… Read more »

Some thoughts on the Open Government Partnership

It is hard to sum up what is happening at the Open Government Partnership this year. Whether it is the geography the conference covers (over 40 countries), the range of issues affected by openness, or the sheer number of people, there is a great deal to wrap your arms around. Here are some reflections afterRead… Read more »

NASA space hackathon (in Vancouver) this weekend

So, many, many things I’d like to blog upon at the moment. I’m in Brasilia at the Open Government Partnership meeting, so obviously lots to talk about there, and, of course, Canada Post has completely lost it and is suing a company over postal code data but it’s been twenty hour days and those postRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Cybersecurity Legislation is Revisited by Lawmakers.

Authored by Doug Kruger and originally posted to Blue Coat’s Federal Blue Print blog. There has been a lot of conversation around the new cybersecurity legislation and several bills have been circulating in Congress as lawmakers are faced with the growing reality of cyber attacks that should cripple critical infrastructure such as water, electricity orRead… Read more »

Share your own knowledge, bring your own app

Interesting post from Steve Dale – taking a slightly different approach to the use of social tools within the workplace (see ‘social business’ or ‘enterprise 2.0′ ad nauseam) where he focuses instead on the concept of ‘personal knowledge management’. In order to develop a true learning organisation, staff need to be given much more freedomRead… Read more »

CTO Security Report

We have a lot of news on the mobile front this week; This is unsurprising given that the mobile sector is expanding so fast that some have taken to calling today the “Post-PC Era”. We all know very well that it’s not over yet, but it’s exciting to see such prolific changes in our day-to-dayRead… Read more »

Social media guidance part 1 – do you have a ‘private life’ any more?

I attended a fascinating discussion yesterday at #Teacamp (a monthly get together for digital geeks) about social media guidance for the public sector. The Government Digital Service, on behalf of central government, are updating the existing social media guidance for civil servants which is now a few years old. The overall thrust of the guidance,Read… Read more »

Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government: A Review

The other day the Canadian Government published its Action Plan on Open Government, a high level document that both lays out the Government’s goals on this file as well as fulfill its pledge to create tangible goals as part of its participation in next week’s Open Government Partnership 2012 annual meeting in Brazil. So whatRead… Read more »